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start game animation is not running in build

I have a timeline set looping for player and some other background characters running an Animation controller. This runs perfectly well in Unity, but when I build the game, there's no animations in start. After starting a new game or loading everything seems to go ok.


  • Check your Unity build log file for error or warning messages.

    What do you mean by "set looping for player"? Are you involving the AC Player character, and/or using AC Timeline tracks?

    How are you triggering it? From the Playable Director's "Play On Awake" option? If AC is involved, use the Engine: Control Timeline Action inside an OnStart cutscene instead - that'll ensure AC is fully loaded before it is run.

  • There seems to be some errors like this:
    The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing!
    I have no idea to which script they point at.

    There is a complaint that:
    The scene named 'StartGame' was not found in the Build settings.

    Although I removed it from Build settings. Does it remain in some AC manager?

    Also there's this:
    Cannot find linked UI Element for Graphic

    These two seem to have " -> AC debug logger" under them, but I don't know where AC logs are. At least not in Unity log file folder.

    I tried also without the Timeline. It works fine in editor, but goes into pause mode every time in build.

  • How many of these messages appear in the Editor, as opposed to just the build?

    The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing!

    This is a Unity message. If it appears in the Editor, you may be able to click it to reveal which object it's referring to.

    The scene named 'StartGame' was not found in the Build settings. Although I removed it from Build settings. Does it remain in some AC manager?

    What is the message in full, stacktrace included? Scenes are not referred to by AC's Managers, but it may be coming from an AC Action such as Scene: Switch, or a PlayerStart.

    You can search your game for instances of a particular Action by selecting the Action's type in the Actions Manager.

    Cannot find linked UI Element for Graphic These two seem to have " -> AC debug logger" under them, but I don't know where AC logs are. At least not in Unity log file folder.

    AC logs will be included in Unity's Log file. This particular message refers to an element you've named "Graphic" being unable to find its linked Unity UI counterpart. Look for your element named "Graphic" in the Menu Manager, and check that its Linked Constant ID matches that of the component you wish to link it to in its associated Unity UI canvas prefab.

    I tried also without the Timeline. It works fine in editor, but goes into pause mode every time in build.

    What do you mean by "pause mode"? What is the state of the AC Status window, which can be enabled at the bottom of the Settings Manager, at this time?

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