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Unity skeletal animations with all directions

Hey Chris!

I have a problem with it as my main character is made with a unity skeletal animation system.
as you see in the picture

My problem is: I want to make characters in all different directions down, up, back, etc so I have to add graphics for all directions and make them skeletal, but how to add them to Player so it won't break..?

I want all those directions to be skeletal animations like this in the example picture.

Thanks, Chris!


  • It depends on whether or not each direction is its own skeleton. For optimisation, you might want to look into re-using the skeleton, but sprite-swapping body parts that need to be changed for the different directions. For example, replace the head sprite with one that faces downward for the downward-facing animations. Broken Age used that technique for its characters, IIRC.

    If you instead make use of a different skeleton for each direction, you'll need to create a new immediate child object on the root, and parent all the bones/sprites to that - this way, you can enable/disable each directional skeleton as part of the animation.

    So long as each of your animations can be played back correctly, though, there isn't much to consider so far as AC goes. AC simply plays your animations at the correct time - what those animations actually entail is separate.

    I would, though, recommend using the Sprites Unity Complex animation mode when 2D skeletal animation is involved. One of the main advantages of using skeletal animation is the ability to blend/transition your animations together, so this mode gives you more control over how that occurs.

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