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D-Pad speed in Menus

edited August 2021 in Technical Q&A


Is there a way to set the D-Pad speed ( Vertical ) to move quickly up and down in the menu? Right now I have to hit the up/down to move one item at a time and there seems to be a delay if I click too fast.



  • Is this for an AC menu, or Unity UI?

    When directly-navigating an AC menu, selecting an element will lock scrolling until the input magnitude goes below a threshold of 0.05.

    I can look into making this configurable, but you can alter this value manually by editing the following line in PlayerInput.cs:

    if (rawInput.y < 0.05f && rawInput.y > -0.05f && rawInput.x < 0.05f && rawInput.x > -0.05f) 
  • edited August 2021

    Yes, it's AC menu. I would like it if I can just hold the button down and it would move until I let go. Trying to avoid having to click up or down each line.

    Adding this feature would be nice, as a configurable item.

    A suggestion would be if you can modify the Digital Axis Gravity and Digital Axis Sensitivity. I was able to set them both to 100 and it seems to be good.

  • edited August 2021

    Custom scroll behaviour of that type can be implemented by subclassing the PlayerInput script and having it replace the Player Input component on your GameEngine object:

    using UnityEngine;
    using AC;
    public class CustomPlayerInput : PlayerInput
        private const float delay = 0.2f;
        private float scrollReleaseTime;
        private bool lastFrameLocked;
        private void Update ()
            if (scrollingLocked && !lastFrameLocked)
                scrollReleaseTime = delay;
            lastFrameLocked = scrollingLocked;
            if (scrollReleaseTime > 0f)
                scrollReleaseTime -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
                if (scrollReleaseTime <= 0f)
                    scrollingLocked = false;
                    lastFrameLocked = false;
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