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Auto-add Save components issue

In adventure Creator, under the settings tab, there is a button " Auto-add Save components to GameObjects" when I hit this.
I get the error:

Error when opening scene day1: System.ArgumentException: Scene file not found: 'day1'.
      at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.OpenScene_Injected(string,UnityEditor.SceneManagement.OpenSceneMode,UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene&)
      at UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.OpenScene (System.String scenePath, UnityEditor.SceneManagement.OpenSceneMode mode) [0x00000] in <7587a42c8322471cbc42b27c9b8eab3c>:0 
      at UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.OpenScene (System.String scenePath) [0x00001] in <7587a42c8322471cbc42b27c9b8eab3c>:0 
      at AC.UnityVersionHandler.OpenScene (System.String sceneName) [0x0000b] in D:\Games Development\What I Heard Test\Assets\AdventureCreator\Scripts\Static\UnityVersionHandler.cs:263 
    UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning (object)
    AC.UnityVersionHandler:OpenScene (string) (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Static/UnityVersionHandler.cs:268)
    AC.SettingsManager:AssignSaveScripts () (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Managers/SettingsManager.cs:2314)
    AC.SettingsManager:ShowSaveGameSettings () (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Managers/SettingsManager.cs:647)
    AC.SettingsManager:ShowGUI () (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Managers/SettingsManager.cs:503)
    AC.AdventureCreator:OnGUI () (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Managers/Editor/AdventureCreator.cs:152)
    UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

My scene is found in the build settings, as I thought this might be the issue.

It has worked on a previous scene, but not this one.

Is there anything else that could be causing this issue?


  • Welcome to the community, @shtwophell.

    What are your AC and Unity version numbers?

    Though the error appears when clicking the button in the Settings Manager, the error itself is coming from Unity, and it looks like it's having trouble finding the scene "day1".

    What scenes are listed in the Build Settings, and what are their filepaths/names?

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