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Input not working (in editor) until Unity window has regained refocus

On Windows, keyboard shortcuts often doesn't work until I switch to another app and then back to Unity.
This might be a Unity issue, but I do remember something similar in AC where you were waiting for an event (OnFocus or something), that never was triggered on Windows when running in the editor.

This happens maybe 9 times out of 10, I haven't been able to determine what triggers it, probably it has to do with what window is active when pressing Ctrl+P to play.

Unity: 2021.2.7
AC: 1.74.5



  • Keyboard shortcuts such as?

    In my experience this is part of Unity's behaviour - do things work if you click the game window after running instead of switching apps?

  • Thanks for your comment, it set me on the right path.

    I figured out that this happens if I hit the shortcut for playing while the mouse cursor is over a window like Hierarchy or Project, and the shortcut is something that that window has registered (such as the F key). In these cases, the shortcut isn't bubbled up to the game window for some reason.

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