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MenuManager does not contain Method if builded

edited February 2022 in Technical Q&A

I dont know if this is a bug or intended and I'm just doing something wrong but I have following problem right now:
Right now I have two different crafting menus. One is the default AC crafting menu and one is a custom one. I need the "Result is automatic?"-Option in the default crafting menu as true and in my custom menu as false. The problem is that the true "Result is automatic?"-Option in the default crafting menu has an effect on the costum one, even if it is disabled. So I tried to fix that through script. I set the "Result is automatic?"-Option of the default crafting menu to false if I enter the scene with my costum menu and set it to true if I exit the scene. Following script is doing it:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using AC;

    public class Drag_n_Drop : MonoBehaviour
        public AC.ActionListAsset correctOrderAction;

        public void OnEnable ()
            AC.EventManager.OnCraftingSucceed += OnCraftingSucceed;
            AC.MenuCrafting element = (AC.MenuCrafting) AC.MenuManager.GetElementWithName("Crafting", "Crafting");
            element.autoCreate = false;
        private void OnDisable () 
            AC.EventManager.OnCraftingSucceed -= OnCraftingSucceed;
            AC.MenuCrafting element = (AC.MenuCrafting) AC.MenuManager.GetElementWithName("Crafting", "Crafting");
            element.autoCreate = true;

This works fine in the game preview but as soon as I try to build the project to test it in the browser, I get an error:
'MenuManager' does not contain a definition for 'GetElementWithName'.
Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance!


  • At runtime, Menus are transferred onto PlayerMenus - these are the ones you want to affect.

    Any change you make to the Menus stored inside MenuManager will affect the originals.

    You just need to replace your instances of:



  • Nice, thank you!
    The problem now is that I have to change my script when I'm testing in Unity to MenuManager and when I build the game to PlayerManus.
    Is there a simple way to tell Unity what code to execute while in the editor and while in the browser/builded game?

  • You can wrap #if UNITY_EDITOR around Editor-only code, but unless you want to modify the original Menu settings, you shouldn't have to in this case.

    So long as you're looking to work with the runtime Menus - whether its in the Editor or a build - reference them with PlayerMenus, not MenuManager.

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