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Save game picture is weird and save game date

I'm saving games with Save screenshots. Otherwise it's quite ok, but the picture is only a part from lower left. How could I move it to center of possible to follow player?
And also I would like to have date-time as labels.


  • Please share screenshots to illustrate your meaning.

    And also I would like to have date-time as labels.

    You can configure the display of a save's creation time at the top of the Settings Manager - this will be displayed in a SavesList element's label so long as Display type is set to Label And Screenshot.

  • Here are some pics:

    I have the player on free aspect, should it do anything?

    I'm using the UI Template: Save screenshots. And the List display type is Label and Screenshot.

  • edited March 2022

    Please avoid cropping your screenshots - I can't make out which part of the third image is the menu, and which is the game.

    I can't recreate either issue, though if you're relying on save-screenshots I would recommend enforcing an aspect ratio so that the screenshot thumbnails can be fixed at the same ratio.

    What is the result of increasing the "Screenshot size factor" up to 1? Check the appearance of the original image file as well - the Console will report its location upon saving.

    The default UI template displays the time/date, but you've made changes to it. If you're using Unity UI, check the Text field inside the UI Text component to see if it's an overflow issue.

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