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Border around label (in dialogue)


Is there a good technique to include a border around a label for Dialogue Line. The label should have automatic size, but the border should not resize.


  • If your Menu is rendered with AC, you can apply an "Outline" text effect to your Label element. This will scale with size, however.

    If your Menu is rendered with Unity, you can attach Unity's Outline component to your Text component to achieve an equivalent effect.

    However, the best result comes from using Text Mesh Pro, which supports dynamic outlining of fonts.

    To use TMPro with AC, you'll have to import it from the Package Manager, and enter "TextMeshProIsPresent" into Unity's Scripting Define Symbols box. This tells AC that it's safe to use TMPro-related code.

    It's then a case of switching to Unity UI for your Menu(s), and replacing Text components with TextMeshProUGUI components.

    See the Manual's "Supported third-party assets" for more details.

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