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Disabling Conversations after I read it

My npc has 7 options for explaining a whole situation. I need the player to read it all and then disable the conversation so in the next interaction he can receive a objective.
Any idea of how to do that?
I tried to use the Object/replace but it didn't work, the console says:
NPC: Use won't be instantiated, as it is already present in the scene.


  • The Conversation class's GetNumEnabledOptions can be compared with zero to check if none of its options are enabled.

    If, after each option is run, you use the Dialogue: Toggle option Action to disable it, you can then perform the above check to see if all options have been read.

    An Action that uses this function to check the number of enabled options can be found in this thread.

  • thank you, the action solved my problem, now it checks the options and if there is only one option left (leave) it gives the objective.

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