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Walk to marker misses an animation

Good evening community.

I've noticed something and maybe you can help me out understaning how it works and how can I "trick" it.
Our animator is quite complex (Unity . The character has an intro to walk, walk, outro from walk,. And Left/Right are different because the character is not symetrical. The character moves along the way perfectly fine. It turns flawlessly and has absolutely no errors while moving along the scene.

But, while testing things out I've noticed that if I want to walk to a marker due to a hotspot, and the character is walking in a different direction before you click on the hotspot, the character automatically "flips" and misses the "turn" animation. It's like it automatically goes from 1 to 2 (left to right) or viceversa skipping everything in between.

Now, this may be an error from my side but in order to understand why and if it misses this animation, i decreased the speed of the turn to check this out. Yes, if I walk to the left, then click the hotspot, the character automatically flips to the right.
I also tried another thing to check if I was mistaken: I unchecked "wait until finish". And absolutely flips without any in-between animation it should run.

The AL is quite simple: move to marker, pathfind, wait until finish.

Also: if the character is facing the marker and is heading the right direction, then the outro works correctly. It's just the "turn" that is not showing.
The Turn float is at 20, so it turns really fast and along with the animation. Our game is 2D and has only two directions: left and right.

I hope I'm clear. Let me know.
Unity 2020.3.27
AC 1.75.3



  • As this is a visual problem, can you share a short video to show the issue vs what it should be like?

    I'll also need to see your Settings Manager and Player Inspector.

  • Hello!
    Yes, here's a short video.
    As you can see, I've decreased the "turn" animation so you can check that, 50% of the times or more, the character doesn't turn, instead, it flips. What it should do is always turn (of course not so slow, this was just a way to show the issue).
    Also, please note there is no arrow between Walk_L and Idle_R so why it jumps is a mystery. On "Walking" it never, ever flips. It always goes to "Turn".

  • When clicking a Hotspot, the character stops moving briefly - causing the "MoveSpeed" parameter to reset to zero.

    This is by design - though I will look into this further. However, it may be that your Animator can be updated to account for it. Currently, the MoveSpeed = 0 setting is causing your Walk -> Idle transition to occur, which may be something you can tweak.

  • Hello.
    I understand that AC works that way: it turns automatically and sets the movespeed to zero when clicking on a hotspot. Is that right?
    I honestly don't know how I can avoid it. I tried several variables and no luck. It always does the same.
    Do you recomend something? Or have a thought on how to avoid it? I don't have a single variable that from movedspeed <= 0.1 should go to Idle. That's my worry.


  • It's likely that the halting can be removed in the case that the "Player Action" is set to "Walk To" and "Walk To Marker". If so, it'll be included in the next AC release - I'd recommend holding off on this until then.

  • Thanks a lot. We will wait then :)

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