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NPC not moving to marker point

Objective: To get NPC Linda to walk to Marker (Marker Linda leaves room).

NPC does all the actions provided in the ActionList Editor up to chain number 16.

Tested but was unsuccessful with the following actions:
Adding a Nav mesh Agent and NavMesh Segment to Navmesh 2D
Changed settings managers' movement settings (Pathfinding update time to 0).
Tried including a character move along paths component.

To add, I have the Navmesh set up to where the player doesnt walk on the bed.
On the start of the cutscene (Lisawork finds) Linda is teleported to marker (Marker Linda sits on bed) which is away and not on the NavMesh. Therefore, I teleport Linda to marker (Marker Linda gets up from bed) on chain 14. She does all the actions leading up to chain 16.
Chain 17 is ActionList: Comment (Character walk problem)
Chain 18 is where the problem arises. The NPC does do the walk animation but, will not walk to marker (Marker Linda leaves room).

The problem is only in this particular scene. The NPC Linda will walk to markers on the other scenes that have been worked on so far.

I attached photos below:

Please let me know if there is anything else I can send you to help in this situation.

Very respectfully,


  • Adding a Nav mesh Agent and NavMesh Segment to Navmesh 2D

    NavMesh Agents and Segments are for 3D scenes and objects - they won't work in 2D.

    The main issue I'm seeing from your screenshot is that your Animator has Apply Root Motion checked, which should be unchecked for 2D characters that do not use root motion.

  • Thank you the quick response. Unfortunately, after trying what you recommend I was unable to correct the problem.

    Do you have any other recommendations or ideas as to what could be causing the issue?

    As always, I appreciate your help.

    Very respectfully,

  • Found the solution to this problem.

    For this scenes' sprite child, the component for animator was not checked.
    Therefore, I checked off that box and made sure the Apply Root Motion was unchecked and everything is running beautifully. Thank you. =)

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