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Version 1.77 - Editor improvements and Player addressables

This update pays particular attention to AC's Editor tools and general quality-of-life improvements. Thanks to all those testing, reporting bugs and making suggestions. Key features:

Asset lists (e.g. Menus, Inventory items, Dialogue options) can now be re-ordered by dragging-and-dropping. The ActionList Editor now also has a search tool, and the Scene Manager's been smartened up a bit.

Adding to AC's Addressables support is the ability to reference Player prefabs by Addressable in the Settings Manager.

2D games that use Direct control can now benefit from the option to rely on the scene's NavMesh to constrain Player characters - no more having to surround the scene with colliders!

QTEs now also have the option to run indefinitely, making them a useful way of prompting the Player to press a specific key, and waiting until they do.

Full changelog:

Upgrade notes

  • The ActionTransform script's CreateNew_RotateTo function has been renamed to CreateNew_ScaleTo
  • The Settings Manager's GetDefaultPlayer function is now Editor-only


  • Added: Option to always mouse-over the lowest Hotspot in 2D scenes when multiple overlap the same area
  • Added: The automatic highlighting of all Hotspots within the boundary of a Hotspot Detector is now optional
  • Added: OnHotspotsFlash custom event - triggered when the FlashHotspots input is pressed
  • Added: Ability to run Hotspot interactions manually from the Hotspot Inspector at runtime
  • Fixed: PlayerInteraction script's IsMouseOverHotspot function returning incorrect results


  • Added: RunNormallyWhenSkip property to Actions - set to true in custom Actions to have them run over multiple frames even when run as the result of skipping their ActionList
  • Added: The "Engine: End game" Action's "Scene to restart to" field now accepts parameters
  • Changed: The ActionTransform script's CreateNew_RotateTo has been renamed to CreateNew_ScaleTo
  • Fixed: "Character: Move to point" Action's "Copy Marker angle after?" option being ignored if the character starts too close to the destination Marker
  • Fixed: "ActionList: Set parameter" Action not setting the correct value when copying from a Component String variable
  • Fixed: "ActionList: Set parameter" Action not converting Integer and Float Global variables to Float and Integer parameters
  • Fixed: Error when auto-creating an ActionList asset file while the Packages folder is selected in the Project window


  • Added: Search tool to the ActionList Editor - use to search for Actions, text or object names, separating multiple terms with a pipe (|) delimiter
  • Added: Ability to re-order Menus, Elements, Conversation options and Inventory items by drag-and-dropping
  • Added: Ability to filter Variables by ID in the Variables Manager and Variables component Inspector
  • Added: Minor tweaks to the Scene Manager's visual styling
  • Changed: Export wizard windows now retain their field values after Unity restarts
  • Changed: "Auto-add Save components to GameObjects" operation will no longer close the active scene if no scenes are added to Unity's Build Settings
  • Changed: Auto-creating a Hotspot's Interactive Boundary now parents the boundary to the Hotspot


  • Added: "Empty slot texture" property to Crafting menu elements
  • Fixed: Unity UI-based Menus appearing in loading screen scenes
  • Fixed: InventoryBox elements limiting items by category sometimes allowing the transfer of items outside that category
  • Fixed: Unity UI-based Menus sometimes not being interactable with a simulated cursor


  • Added: Option for 2D Player characters to be prevented from leaving the bounds of the NavMesh when moved under Direct or Drag control
  • Added: Ability to set the pathfinding update frequency per-character through script
  • Added: Minor pathfinding optimisations
  • Fixed: Characters very rarely halting mid-movement when a non-zero "Pathfind update time" is set
  • Fixed: 2D characters not always turning at a constant speed


  • Added: Ability to override an instance of an Inventory item's label at runtime through script
  • Changed: The InvItem script's HasCursorIcon has been moved to the InvInstance class
  • Fixed: Display issue when attempting to set an Inventory item with an overriding texture as the cursor
  • Fixed: Inventory item instances losing their overriding texture data upon being transferred


  • Changed: If a Container limits items by category, only items in that category are available to add as default
  • Fixed: Containers losing their "Limit by category" settings after loading or re-entering a scene


  • Added: Option to reference Player prefabs using the Addressable system
  • Added: "Jump bool" and "Grounded bool" parameter fields for Sprites Unity Complex-based characters that use 3D physics components
  • Changed: The Settings Manager's GetDefaultPlayer function is now Editor-only


  • Added: Set Drag Parameters component - attach to a Draggable object to set its "ActionList asset on drop/move" file parameters when run
  • Fixed: Draggable objects being let go when using multiple touches on a touch-screen device
  • Fixed: Error when using Curved tracks that has region-snapping enabled


  • Added The loading process of custom Remember components now supports coroutines
  • Added: Option to the Remember Moveable component to save Transform values in Local space
  • Added: The Remember Sound component's saving of changes to the loaded AudioClip asset is now optional
  • Changed: If "Save asset references with Addressables?" is enabled, UnloadUnusedAssets is no longer called automatically following a scene-change
  • Fixed: GameObjects spawned in via Addressable after loading a save-game not having their Remember component data properly restored
  • Fixed: Issue when loading an NPC's Transform data when both Remember NPC and Remember Transform components are attached


  • Added: Ability to alter a Speech line's remaining lifetime through script
  • Changed: The "Play talking animations forever until user skips it?" option has been renamed to "Play talking animations entire time line is displayed?"
  • Fixed: Speech scrolling sometimes displaying text prematurely if the frame-rate drops too low


  • Added: Option to run a QTE indefinitely
  • Added: Ability to set a default offset to apply to selected Inventory items when drawn using Software cursor rendering
  • Added: The automatic calling of Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets is now optional
  • Fixed: "Object: Add or remove" Action sometimes preventing the spawning of Addressable prefabs that have a Remember Transform component attached
  • Fixed: Sound objects sometimes not setting the correct volume when played using Timeline
  • Fixed: Objective state names "Active", "Complete" and "Fail" not being translatable
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