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Question about how copied Scenes work

edited July 2023 in Technical Q&A

Is it possible to copy Scenes completely and have them work seperately or could potential conflicts arise when doing so?

For Example i have three Scenes "Level 1", "Home 1" & "Home 2" which is a copy of Home 1.

The Player is in his Home first, goes out to Level 1, and after that gets transitioned to Home 2 only there's some things changed and everything else works just like in Home 1.

I was thinking about the constant ID's, because they are copied aswell and could those cause problems if they are the same, or do they automatically get changed when building or auto-adding save components?

I'm having a hard time describing it, but are the Scenes "self-contained", when i copy them?
That way i would have to think about less stuff, and would just change a few things up in the copied Scenes.


  • Duplicating scene files (or choosing "File -> Save as" will create an exact, self-contained, copy. That's Unity behaviour, so assigned Constant IDs will be the same as well.

    Matching IDs are only an issue, however, if both scenes are open at the same time. Having matching IDs can also sometimes be an advantage, as it means you can have an ActionList asset reference a scene object dynamically regardless of which scene is actually open - a tutorial covering this can be found here.

    The main thing you'll need to deal with is matching Line IDs, i.e. the IDs assigned by the Speech Manager when running the "Gather text" process. These IDs do need to be unique across a project - so you'll need to re-run this process after duplicating a scene if you've run this beforehand.

    Depending on what differences there are between "Home 1" and "Home 2" though, it may be possible to still rely on a single scene, and use animation or variables to control its appearance/changes.

  • Awesome, thank you

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