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How to handle a dialogue entry being previously chosen in Unity Prefab

edited August 2023 in Technical Q&A


I'm using a Unity UI Prefab for my dialogue list menu. I want to determine whether a choice has been made before and somehow mark it over and above the highlight options available in the AC menu settings but I can't see a way to.

Is there a way to do this via AC or do I need to use a script on my dialogue option buttons to check the dialogue state?



  • The DialogList element has properties to let you tint its Buttons a different colour if an option has been chosen before. This works for both AC and Unity UI menus - though an issue related to their display with direct-control will be addressed shortly in an update.

    What kind of mark are you looking to make? If it's something other than a colour-change, e.g. a sprite beside it, you'll need to rely on scripting instead.

    You can check if a Conversation option has been chosen with the OptionHasBeenChosen function. To read this for the active Conversation, call:

    bool hasBeenChosen = AC.KickStarter.playerInput.activeConversation.OptionHasBeenChosen (index);
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