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Spine menu animation


I adjusted the existing menu inventory and bolted it with Spine animation, it works but a bit clunky.

In order to use Spine animation for inventory appearance, I created NPC character "inventory" that is playing "on/off" animation by clicking on it after that actual inventory menu pops up and it works pretty fine.

However, I have a problem "inventory" (which I made as NPC character) not following the camera. When I parent to Game Camera, it activates every time I click anywhere on the screen.

Is there a way to anchor "inventory" to the corner of the camera or maybe there is a more efficient way of making what I need without "Character wizard"?

Thanks in advance.


  • edited September 2023

    So I just realized that inventory appears each time not because of me parenting it to the camera but because "Appear type" was set to "On Interaction" because of it appears after any interaction.

    So I will reframe my question. Is there a way to call for inventory by clicking on the hotspot of "inventory" (the character that I created) and once inventory pops up change Appear Type to "Mouse Over" so once the mouse is outside of the box inventory will disappear?

    Or make "On Interaction" not tied up to every/any interaction in the scene?

  • edited September 2023

    Solved, for someone who will be on the same page as me, this post basically sorted it for me:

    • Set Inventory to Mouse Over
    • Lock off the menu at the beginning
    • Create another Menu with a mouse over
    • In "ActionList when turn on" create an Action List that will unlock menu Inventory

    Don't forget to also lock/unlock the menu that helped to do the trick.

    Now it works like a charm.

    Shout out to Chris, you really made a smart and neat toolkit, I am amazed at how editable and adjustable it is.

  • No problem - reviews are always welcome!

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