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Turn Epics Services AC Unlock Achievement into Custom Action List


I have a Steam unlock achievement custom action script that works perfectly, I found this one online that is specific for AC, and wondered if you could turn it into a custom action script also so I don't have to haver it as a game object in every scene? My coding skills not the best so I am unable. thanks Chris!

This is the script:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.UI;


using UnityEngine.InputSystem;


using Epic.OnlineServices;
using Epic.OnlineServices.Achievements;
using Epic.OnlineServices.Ecom;
using Epic.OnlineServices.UI;
using Epic.OnlineServices.Stats;

using PlayEveryWare.EpicOnlineServices;
using PlayEveryWare.EpicOnlineServices.Samples;

public class EOSUnlockAchievement : MonoBehaviour
private EOSAchievementManager achievementManager;
public string achievementID;

private void Awake()
    var achievementManager = EOSManager.Instance.GetOrCreateManager<EOSAchievementManager>();

public void UnlockAchievement(string achievementID)
    achievementManager = EOSManager.Instance.GetOrCreateManager<EOSAchievementManager>();
    Debug.Log("achievement unlocked");



  • using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEditor;
    using Epic.OnlineServices;
    using Epic.OnlineServices.Achievements;
    using Epic.OnlineServices.Ecom;
    using Epic.OnlineServices.UI;
    using Epic.OnlineServices.Stats;
    using PlayEveryWare.EpicOnlineServices;
    using PlayEveryWare.EpicOnlineServices.Samples;
    namespace AC
        public class ActionTemplate : Action
            public override ActionCategory Category { get { return ActionCategory.Custom; }}
            public override string Title { get { return "Epic achievement"; }}
            public string achievementID;
            public override float Run ()
                EOSAchievementManager achievementManager = EOSManager.Instance.GetOrCreateManager<EOSAchievementManager>();
                achievementManager = EOSManager.Instance.GetOrCreateManager<EOSAchievementManager>();
                Debug.Log("achievement unlocked");
                return 0f;
            #if UNITY_EDITOR
            public override void ShowGUI ()
                achievementID = EditorGUILayout.TextField ("Achievement ID:", achievementID);
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