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Input element in menu does not accept another language

Hello, I have a problem typing other languages than English in an input element of a menu.
The input type is set to "Allow Special Characters" and it works fine during debugging. I can type in any language other than English while testing and it shows perfectly fine.
But when I try it again after building the game, the input element only accepts English in the final product. I cannot type Asian language anymore.
I can still type the other languages in the Unity Input Field in the scene, but not in the input element of AC menu.
My Unity version is 2022.3.4f1 and AC version is v1.77.4.
I'd appreciate any help fixing it.


  • Thanks for the details.

    This may be an issue with Unity, given that there's a difference between builds and the Editor. What platform are you building to?

    The most reliable way to resolve this would be to switch your Menu's Source over to Unity Ui Prefab, so it relies on Unity's InputField component. I'd recommend relying on UI in general for menus - with the "Adventure Creator" source option being best for rapid-prototyping.

  • I'm building to Windows 64 bit. I cannot switch this menu's source to Unity Ui Prefab since this menu already has 30+ elements with so many being used in my code here and there. If I switch the menu's source, I'd have to rewrite everything and I want to avoid it. The input element is the only problem I have. Is there a way to change 1 element of AC menu to Unity prefab without touching anything else?

  • A Menu's Source is shared by all elements within it.

    If by rewriting, you're referring to the Menu's logic, it shouldn't come to that, though. You can alter a Menu's Source, and link each element to a Unity UI component, without changing their other properties. Click functionality, code references etc should all be retained.

    I'm only speaking generally, however. If you can share some images of your Menu's current setup - and its associated logic/code, I can give a more accurate assessment.

  • I forgot to follow up, but it was resolved. I switched my Menu's Source to Unity Ui Prefab and it worked fine. It bothered me a little because this menu had so many elements that I had to create and link one by one and also had to resize & put them all in the exact place they used to be, but I didn't have to change code at least. Thanks

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