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cycle cursor bugs in 1.40

I am seeing two bugs in cursor cycling :

when an inventory item is current cursor in the cycle - the label in the hotspot doesn' include the "Use <item name> on <hotspot name>"
but just the hotspot name

it works fine on regular verb cursors



if i select an inventory item, as soon as i drag it over a hotspot, the cursor changes to the hotspot interaction (i.e. look at). 
When an inventory item is selected, this action should override any hotspot verbs until the player uses it or deselects it.


  • Will be fixed in 1.40a.
  • i still see this in 1.40a
  • other than these two issues still exist in 1.40a, i have a third request regarding this cursor behaviour.

    also make it apply on inventory. i.e. enable look/use verbs when i'm hovering over the inventory items, and again, each individually remembering it's cycle like on the hotspots.

  • forth issue (new one, wasn't sure if this should go in another thread)
    When i disable an interaction dynamically through the code using the Hotspot/Change Interaction to disable one, it should be removed from the hotspot interaction cycle.
    right now it it still displays the look interaction in the cycle even though i disabled it, but then - doesn't run the interaction action list.

    in my case is that i want the player to look once, then repeat the talk option. 
    so i can either remove the look from the cycle, or just make the talk repeat. 
    i don't want it to be look->talk->look-> talk. 
    i want it to be look->talk->talk->talk... etc...
    (so alternatiev workaround in my case, is not to loop once reaches the end of the loop.)

    to recap on cursor cycle issues i see:
    1. no label on use inventory
    2. can't use an inventory item by dragging it on any hotspot. 
    3. cycle through verbs when interacting with inventory items 
    4. hotspot interaction change has no effect on the cycle.
  • 1. and 2. were indeed fixed in 1.40a - it may be that your settings are not correct:

    For 3., go to the Settings Manager, and set Inventory interactions to Multiple.  You can now define multiple interactions for Inventory items, just as you can with Hotspots.

    For 2., go to the Settings Manager, and uncheck Cycle through Inventory items too?

    For 1., go to the Cursor Manager and set When inventory selected to Change Cursor And Hotspot Label.

    I will look into 4. for the 1.40b release.
  • That  awesome to see ,your great support   Chris ! Big thanks for that !

    Soryy for offtop  "SoundGuy" ;)

  • 1. was indeed the settings. once i selected Change Cursor And Hotspot Label

    2. regardless if the inventory item is not in the cycle with Cycle through Inventory items too?, the behaviour is still the same. I select the inventory item. i drag it over the hotspot and it is deselected.
    I'll try and make a video of it.


    switching from single to multiple means i have to redo all the interaciton references in the inventory items.
    3a. I tried one item, I defined the look at, and the use.
    look at works ok. Use - doesn't select the inventory item. see the action list.

    3b. the cycle doesn't progress, i.e. look stays look and don't turn automatically to use:/

    3c. also it would be nice if i can use one generic use actionlist that selects the current item with a parameter or something instead of having to create an action list for each use action for each item.

  • Chris, are you on instagram? i can send you these in direct messages

  • Most of these problems are because you're using drag-and-drop mode.  Stick to the click-on/off method until a fix is out.
  • ok. please let me know when a fix is out (don't assume it was in 1.40b?). until then i'll just test and apply  item thorugh the hotspot cycle.
  • I upgraded to 1.40b
    and i just checked. I don't have Drag-and-drop selected. 

    Also - trying to change fom Single interaction to Multiple on the inventory - the Select function doesn't do anything.

    any ideas why?

    this is the single ( no drag drop)

    this is the multiple (where select doesn't select the drumsticks)

  • 1.41 will bring some big fixes to the interaction system, as well as make it much easier to handle inventory items in "Multiple" mode, and should fix these issues.
  • thanks. looking forward to it.
  • in 1.41a . trying out multiple mode for inventory in Medieval Madness right now.

    I have a bunch of issues/questions/contemplations about a bunch of things related to cursors and cycling.

    1. is it posible to in future versoin of AC to enable both item selection through the multiple inventory and also with the "include inventory items in interaction cycles"?
    2. is there a way to define a single action list that selected that item (through a pre-defined or default parameter?) instead of making one that is literally the same but for each inventory item?
    3. i didn't really understand how "select/give item if interaction is unhandled" work. couldn't find it in the manual either. what happens when they are selected? I don't seem to notice any change in behaviour.
    4. the "auto-cycle after interactoin" actually happens as you click it, instead of whe e action list ends.
    5. give/use funcionaitly is a little confusing and might be lacking features. Here's something that doesn't really work right now.

    I have an inventory item - Coins. 
    I want to be able to do 2 things with them. Use them on chests (rather "Put coins in chest") and Give them to an NPC.
    a. I sort of need to add both Use and Give iteractions on the coins't invetory cycle, which is confusing. there should be one "select" action.
    b. it would be nice to add a way to include more of these verbs for invetory item other than just use or give (like "put coins in chest") for example.

    6. the order of interactions as they appear in the hotspot is somewhat important. let's say i have Look At and Talk To. and if i want to change the order of these two , right now i have to remove the first and re-add it at the bottom. I would like to request the ability to change thier order.
  • 1) No - it must be one or the other

    2/3) In the Settings Manager, look for the "Select item if Interaction is unhandled?" option.  With that, you can set which interaction will select an item if no specific ActionList is assigned to it.  This removes the need to have a per-Action "select" Interaction.

    5) There may be times when when you Use and Give to both be available on the same NPC.  It might be a little long-winded to create separate Interactions, but it does at least solve that issue.

    6) I'll consider it.

  • 6. maybe consider ReorderableList class for various implementations around AC

    1. Hmm. too bad :( if that changes in the future let me know. 
    2/3 i'll play around with it more and get back to you with more questions i'm sure.

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