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I am using both of these extensions with unity free, have already got them integrated with each other, but would like to use guns and still be able to interact with stuff through AC. (hotspots and the like.) 

Is there a way for me to switch the interactions to a single key (E preferably), so I just need to look at things and press E to interact with them, whether it be to start a conversation with a character, or press a button or show a single line of text. This would be very helpful, thanks.


  • If you're Input method in the Settings Manager is set to Keyboard Or Controller, then you can map triggering interactions to the input button InteractionA.  Normally, I'd say this wouldn't be possible if your making a mouse-controller game however since your using UFPS you might get away with it.

    Set your Input method to Keyboard Or Controller, tinker with the Input manager (required Inputs are always listed in the Settings Manager), and you might get it working.  Otherwise, I'll see about making that particular input available in Mouse And Keyboard mode too.
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