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Importing into an existing project

Im about ready to incorporate Adventure Creator ionto my game, but I have a few questions regarding that process.

1. Importing (I cancelled after seeing this message) reports this to be a Complet Game Solution and will replace "Game Settings".
Is this a dangerous thing (I have of course Backup up anyway...) or should I UN tick some parts of the import? What will overwriting game settings do actually?

2. I am ALREAD using the UFPS advanced camera (with quite a few other additional PlayMaker FSM placed on it for internal game stuff, like a follow script for weather (clouds hover over the player) and some scripts for reporting how hight the player is, (weather and sound effects change with the player is in the mountains or below in the village, this is based on player height) Plus my player has custom items attached (Torch Axe Bible) as weapons, so That would be a pain to re-do!

DO I NEED to use the supplied UFPS camera for AC? Has it some additional scripts attached?
CAN I (or should I) attach them manually? or Import YOUR Player Prefab, and copy its structure into MY current Player? Or vice Versa, Start from scratch with YOUR player, and copy over what I need from MY Player, even tho that will be a nightmare?

Thanks for your time



  • 1) AC will overwrite your Inputs, Tags and Layers if you let it, but it's not essential at all.  Section 1.1 of the manual covers exactly what you need to do to make the changes manually.

    2) The supplied UFPS prefabs are for convenience only.  This tutorial covers the process of converting a UFPS player into a UFPS/AC one.
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