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Feature Request: "Brothers type cameras"

edited May 2015 in Engine development
Hello, I've been toying off and on with Adventure Creator and love it, but one thing that keeps getting me is the gameplay camera.  I'd love to see more like the game "Brothers" where during gameplay the camera tries to "act" cinematically in a few simple ways

#1 Camera spline/pathing allowing for a camera to follow along a spline/path this is great for instances where you want a camera to follow a pre-defined path, for Example if the Brothers are exploring a circular platform the path follows them on a splined curve that makes the camera feel perfectly awesome for that area.
#2 "Steadicam shake" in Brothers they have a very very slow and simple "steadycam" effect during gameplay that's beautiful and calming as it very slowly bobs and weaves as you play.
#3 "Zoom" function similarly making cameras zoom when you need to would also be great since introducing splined paths would probably be the best way to handle zooming instead of switching to a new camera.

The multiple camera swapping and panning functions in AC are great, but I've edited a lot of feature films and stuff like this both in-gameplay and during cutscenes is really what keeps this from hitting the cinematic spot for me.

thanks for listening!


  • #1 is already possible with the The GameCameraAnimated prefab.  While it's "Default" behaviour is to simply play back an animation once it's made active, it can also be tied to a Path object in your scene.  This'll mean it's point in the animation will be determined by the Player's progress along the Path.  Section 4.3 of the manual covers this.

    As for the other points - I agree that good camera control is needed for any game, but it'd be impossible to have a camera system that's intuitive yet complex enough to satisfy anyone.  For that reason, it's been made possible to implement your own custom cameras through scripting.  So long as your camera script derives from the "_Camera" class, you can insert it into your game as you would any camera.
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