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Split-Screen camera transition.

I would like to ask help in understanding how to implement a split screen transition.
Action type: Camera: Split-screen allows me to divide the screen in two or more portions of a specified size between 0 and 1.
What I need to build is a screen transition from right to left or left to right as follow: cam_1 is active, player opens a door, spIit is activated and cam_2 is activated, split values are 1-0, the values gradually (in the span of one second, for example) change to 0-1, until only cam_2 image is visible, then split is deactivated and cam_2 is set as the active camera.

Thank you very much for your time and help.


  • This is actually something I've wanted to do, but it's a really, really
    complex operation.  The difficulty isn't so much in the size-changes,
    but in making sure that the focal points of the cameras are correct

    I would like to make another attempt at this myself,
    but as it is I can't actually advise you because I have the exact same
    problem to solve myself.  If you manage to find a custom script on the
    Unity forums / wiki, it'd probably be easier for you to look into
    implementing that into AC, rather than figuring it out from scratch. 
    But again, I'll be looking into this myself - though I'm afraid I can't
    give a time frame for it.
  • edited May 2015
    Thank You Chris.
    Knowing that the feature is not yet implemented is saving me from spending further time, stubbornly trying to find something that doesn't exist.
    I'll try to build a work around, I'll post here about it if I'll succeed, it might help others.

    I wonder if it would be at least possible to edit the value as a var.
  • Sorry, which value do you mean?
  • The split amount can be inserted as a value from 0 to 1, if there was an option to feed to the node a float var instead, I could build my solution like this:
    create a var called Split_Amount = 0
    create an conditional node that checks if the var is = 1, if false it goes to a node that adds 0.1, waits for 0.2 seconds, go back to the check node, if 1 is reached the conditional node stops.
  • Sorry if I'm being dense, but why can you not edit the var already?  Just because it's a slider doesn't mean you can also set it by typing it in beside it.
  • not exactly what I meant, but there's no problem now, I achieved an effect similar to what I wished for with a trick of fading cameras and good alignment.
    Thank you for your assistance :)
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