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I have a huge collection of animations for my character and...

Well, I'm new to AC and but I have a character with a huge number of Mecanim animations on it (Sowrd fighting, shooting, ...) and I would like to integrate this animations on the AC controller. 

Is it possible  or I'll have to buy some custom controller for it ?

If it's possible, how can I do that ?


  • You don't need to buy any animator controllers if that is what you mean.
    You will need to creat your own animator controllers and with Mecanim include your animations there.
  • Ok i have made the controllers (a lot of them) but the character controller of AC have limited animation options. Let's say that i want to fight with a sword. How can i configure a input to do such thing on AC?
  • I haven't done any 3d character animations in Unity, I have to admit.
    I'm more of a 2d guy.

    But from what I gather is that you will need only one animator controller per character and set up all your anumations there in Mecanim, also you will need to make/use Avatar Mask.

    I'm afraid this is more of Unity related stuff and not AC.
     Sorry if couldn't help much, I wish I could.
  • Thanks for you help but, yes, i know how to make a controller on Unity and my animations are all mecanim and have a lot of blend trees and stuff. My question is: How can I use lets say=, a Playmaker controller or even a custom controller on AC instead the AC character controller ?
  • AC doesn't have it's own character controller - it just output various parameters to it that it knows you'll need (e.g. a movement speed float, a turning float, etc).

    These parameters will be controlled automatically by AC as your character moves around.  However, you can still manipulate other parameters, or play animations directly, at any time by using the Character: Animate Action.
  • Thanks Chris.

    Can you give an example ? 
    Lets say my character will begin to fight an enemy and need to equip with a sword and as I press some mouse button or touch a joystick controller on my Ipad, I want him to "Play" the attack movement BUT I still want to interact with my hotspots.

  • The next update will bring a new tutorial video that covers the inclusion of a stealth mecanic, in which you can toggle on-and-off a crouching ability.  Your situation sounds quite similar in principle, so it may be easier for you to watch the tutorial when it's released, but essentially you could try creating "EquipSword" and "UnequipSword" trigger parameters in your FSM, and re-wire it so that your character will play sword-equipped idle/walk/run animations accordingly.

    Here's a screenshot of the crouch FSM that'll be covered in the mentioned tutorial, however it's still in-progress, so again - better to wait for it to be released.

  • This will be awesome !

    But I think i have a different kind of problem. I cannot rely on triggers. What i really want is the ability of control my character and AC control the interactions. 

    Do you think that the UFPS tutorial will help me ? (I will not be using UFPS on this project)
  • No - the UFPS tutorial is a special case.

    However, know that you can disable AC's movement system by using the Engine: Manage systems Action - this will mean it's up to your own asset to move the character during normal gameplay, but AC will still handle interactions.

    The exact workflow would depend on your specific needs and tools, so I can only give you general advice.  But it's also possible to supply your own motion controller, that AC can merge with: this tutorial explains more.
  • Well ok then.

    I'll try to follow this steps to see what I can do.

    It is possible to use ONLY the interaction and conversation systems of AC and let all the rest(including camera) to my own assets ?
  • That's certainly the intention, so give it a try and see how you go - if you need more assistance, just post a new question and we'll try to help.
  • Hello again Chris.

    I'm using MotionController now and have followed the tutorial about integrating AC with this asset BUT, I think I'm missing something.

    Nothing happens when I play the game. 

    I have to do anything else on game editor window ? Settings ?
  • Without knowing what you've done already, it's hard for me to say.  You've set up the correct "Animation engine" settings in the character's inspector?  So long as the custom script is correct, that'll then work independently of AC - no need to go through Settings or anything.
  • The issue is simple.

    New project, only MC and AC imported.

    Yes, the animation engine was set to Custom and "Manual" as said on the tutorial.

    But some things was no said on that tutorial:

    1) The Player have to have a Character controller so the MC can work ?
    2) If YES for the question above, the capsule collider is still necessary ?
    3) The rigidbody component is mandatory ?
    4) If yes for the question 3, the update mode on animator have to be "Animate Physics" or  Normal ?

    For AC to control the animations when "Walking to a Mark", the "Use Input" on MC should be toggled ?

    I think that the tutorial is ok but incomplete. 

    Can you put some video or something about the entire setup to work with a custom controller ?

  • Only to complement.

    I have just tested. If I change the moviment mthod on GameEditor -> Settings to "none", the "walk to marker" runs nicely. If I leave it with "Direct", motion controller works but AC don't.
  • Oh and other thing

    The Motion Controller do not work without a Camera parameter filled but, how can I do this if my player is a prefab and the camera is not ?
  • The player can be present in the scene - just have him present in the hierarchy when the scene is not running and you'll be able to reference the camera.

    The tutorial is there to demonstrate how you send AC's character commands to another asset - what components you make use of (Character controller, Rigidbody etc) are down to the other asset - and are nothing to do with AC.  That's why there's no mention of what you need / don't need - it's entirely down to you.

    That said, for my own implementation - I had a Character Controller, yes, but no Capsule Collider nor Rigidbody.  You can download the Player prefab that was made with it, along with the "bridge" script, here - though you'll have to have all of Motion Controller's graphic assets installed for the character to fully load.
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