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Hint system going great Until.......

I'm not sure and i'm no coder but i think there may be a bug in 
Variable: Check random number because a little while ago i was on here asking for help and i got the help thanks and i just gave up on the hint system. Now i went back to doing my hint system and it works out really great but i do still find when your on that last object to find and you may need to press the hint button it will not find that last object. Has anyone done a hint system like this before because help would be appreciated.


  • I decided to debug and on the hint i spawn players dialogue and have come to the conclusion that maybe Variable: Check random number doesn't always work because it did check for an item that the player had already found previously.
  • It's not possible to help without knowing what exactly what you've done.  Post a screenshot.  But bear in mind that if your hint system is supposed to exclude certain objects, you'll have to set it up to do so - it won't be automatic.
  • Bare in mine i have 3 inventorys so i am also checking if it is open or close. That actually works out really good and also this hint system is referencing the hint timer because i have a timer that disables the hint button for 50 seconds which also works out really good. And also them dialogues are only there to test out the hint system to see where i am going wrong. I also have markers to teleport a particle to that object once the hint button is clicked on. This hint is in a cutscene which gets called when you click on the hint button. But any how here is the Hint system of just 1 inventory.
  • Hi i changed all the above method and i still find when it has 2 or 1 items left the timer goes but it won't find the items. I know that ChrislceBox is busy but is there anyone else who have implemented a hint system. If you unclear on what i am doing is if you click on the hint button it finds objects that are still left to find and spawns a particle on that object. I can't send through my project because its with assets i bought on the asset store but i have free assets there that i can just do a little hidden object game for someone to see if there is a way of sending through a file like that if that will help.
  • I wonder if you need to re-wire your Actions so that if e.g. Action 20 returns "Condition is not met", you need to send it back to Action 1 (the Variable: Check random number).  If you did that for the whole row, that would mean it would keep checking random numbers until it finds an Inventory item.
  • edited June 2015
    Try to send back to Variable Check Random Number all your inventory checks if the conditions are not met.( the ones that go after Variable Check Random Number)

    That way it would go on the loop until it finds the last present item, that's all.
    This is how my hint works.

    I see you also have the variable check at the start. I think it should go to Variable Check Random Number when it is not zero and when it checks zero ( conditions are met) go to Purse is done and stop it all.

    Also actions 14 and 21 make me confuse.
    If you are checking your Inventory Purse and if it is not visible why do you continue to Variable Check ? If it is not visible then it means all items are found so why continue to variable check 21?
    Besides it kind of splits your actions process. So 14 Menu Check should be like if visible go to 21 and not if not visible go to 21.

    Overall your system looks pretty much  like mine. Except that I use parameters so I use only one action list for all hidden objects levels. And don't need to write a new actionlist for each level.
     Just in each level have a separate action list with one action in it. I just assign all 10-20 objects I need to find as parameters and send it to my Hint System actionlist in asset file.
  • It all works now YAY thank you for all your help and yes all i needed to do is feed it back to variable: check random number. To SkyTree i did use parameters for to find items but i couldn't work out the parameters with the hint system but now that the hint system working i will try to work that out.
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