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Character face object sometimes doesnt work

Usually the first time I call it it works, but then after that if you keep hitting the same hotspot then my character slowly will start facing the wrong way until he is completely not looking at me at all. Just wondering if im doing something wrong or this is a bug. My situation is a barman who will move along a path until you click on him, he will then stop moving on the path, show some dialog, and play a sample and face you, its the facing you that doesnt always work, I have a marker inside my player which points towards the players face which is the object he should face (with his body) and I have ticked use objects rotation. . 

Also I have noticed I cant get him to walk slowly, if I go below 1.5 i think it is he stops.



  • These problems sound very specific to your character and ActionList - it's not possible to give advice without seeing what you have exactly.  Please post screenshots of your character's Inspector, Animator, and the Interaction that gets run.
  • edited June 2015
    Its not that specific always, I cant actually get anyone to face the player, so Im sort of wondering if theres a bug here. One clue could be that it works fine when i tick isInstant.
  • I still need to see those screenshots, please.
  • edited June 2015
    OK man, thanks :) Just fixed my speed issue, I had not unticked, apply root motion, this makes people faster than they should be in my case. 

    As for the other issue, screenshots probably wont help, since this is almost the first thing on my trigger, but you never know, I always ask for my clients to send me videos of apps messing up and it usually does lead to a solution!.. The bulldog only turns correctly if I tick isInstant but here you go :) There IS stuff below this but maybe that is irrelevant?


  • This is the first time you've mentioned anything about a trigger - your first post suggested that this was coming from an Interaction (i.e. runs when you click on a Hotspot).  Please explain the context of how this Trigger gets called.

    And again: please post your characters Inspector and Animator.  Like I said, this sounds like a problem very specific to your set up, so the Action itself is not enough.
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