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Inventory menu with keyboard/controller input

I'm setting up a game with direct input only, and no cursor. I see the hotspot and pause menus are already compatible with this, they can be navigated by keyboard with settings changes only, and no scripting or custom UIs.

But I've been looking for a way to navigate the player and container inventory menus by keyboard, and no luck. Is there any functionality for this built-in? (I don't see any settings for it...) Otherwise, is there an easy/efficient way to do it without writing a new UI, e.g. access to focus-able elements or "shift inventory" functions directly by script?

Or, do I need to create a custom inventory UI and write my own focus/navigation scripts?

[As an aside, it would be really useful to have a version of the demo game with direct input navigation set up, or a more thorough tutorial on the subject! It was tricky getting player vicinity hotspot detection, hotspot selection & menu cycling, etc. all working properly.]


  • Update: Got inventory menu components to focus by selecting "pause on enable." However, the inventory menu still doesn't work with keyboard/controller, for the following reasons:

    1 - "Clicking" on an item in player inventory with keyboard does nothing. I need some way to select use/look/etc for player inventory items via far none of the settings I've tried have worked.

    2 - When using "Display type: Icon Only", there's no visible indicator that the icon is highlighted, which is needed for keyboard navigation... am I stuck using the "Text Only" option? (Can there be text *and* icons?)
  • If you supply an "Active texture" to an item, and check "Show Active FX when Cursor hovers over Item in Menu?" in the Settings Manager, then it will show the highlighted graphic.

    The menu should respond to button presses from Inputs named "InteractionA" and "InteractionB" - have these been defined in your Input manager?
  • edited July 2015
    Thanks! Turns out I didn't have the "active texture" box in the Inventory menu because "inventory interactions: multiple" was selected... selecting "single" makes the active texture box available, and it disappears again if "multiple" is reselected. I'm a bit confused by this, what's the connection between those settings? (But yes, it does work once an active texture is provided!)

    On the inventory interactions... InteractionA and InteractionB are set up, and when the character is in proximity to a hotspot, pressing InteractionA makes the Interaction menu show up above the hotspot, and this menu can be navigated by keyboard... works great.

    When I press InteractionA on an inventory item, I THOUGHT nothing was happening... but looking closer, the Interaction menu actually shows up for a fraction of a second near the middle of the screen, then disappears, and the focus is returned to the inventory's left shift button like the menu is being reset.

    I've reproduced all of this in the 2D demo game, settings below. Is there anything wrong with these settings?








  • They generally look OK - but it'll take some time to work through them and get back to you with a proper response.  It could be that this is a bug, in which case a fix will be made for it in the next release.

    The missing "active texture" slot is also likely a bug - thanks for reporting it.
  • Great, thanks for looking into it!
  • I believe this bug is due to the Pause game when enabled? option not working for Menus that are set to appear On Interaction.  I've since the fixed problem, and will be issued in v1.47.

    Also, I'd recommend you change your Select Interactions by setting to Clicking Menu rather than Cycling Menus And Clicking Hotspot - since you won't be able to click on Hotspots if the game is paused (the bug bypasses this for now, but you'll need to change this once fixed).
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