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Help - Problem with Inputs

Hi All,

I am having problems with my Unity Inputs and AC. I have been going through the 3D tutorial and can't seem to get my hotspots / actions to work...

If I click on a hotspot nothing happens, my actions don't appear, I played around with the inputs and got it to kind of work, I can click and they appear but they don't appear where the cursor is and when I hover over them I can't click on them.

I also notice in game view that the my mouse pointer is also showing as well as the AC cursor, and they arn't in sync with each other :/

I can't seem to find anywhere to reset the default AC inputs for Unity or any documentaiton on what all the correct input settings should be.

Any help would be appreciated!



  • Welcome to the forum, Dean.

    There's no "default" input for AC - because how it controls is entirely up to you.  However, you can use the New Game Wizard to generate a new set of managers - including the Settings Manager that controls your play style.

    What control style are you going for?  If you're following the 3D tutorial, you'll want to set your Movement method (in the Settings Manager) to "Choose Hotspot Then Interaction", and you'll need to have an Interaction Menu defined in your Menu Manager which provides the icons that you click on after clicking a Hotspot.  This should have been created for you by the New Game Wizard, provided you opted to use the default menus.

    The mouse issue could well be specific to your platform / OS - what are you working on?  I suspect that the problem will only exist in the Editor, and built games should be fine in that regard.
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