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UFPS and unpaused Unity UI world space menu


I have a Unity UI world space menu that doesn't pause gameplay. I also use the UFPS integration. No Oculus in this scenario; just plain old traditional screen.

When I open the menu, it permanently disables UFPS camera movement (e.g., mouse look). I can still walk around with keyboard input. UFPS camera control stays disabled even after closing the menu.

Any suggestions?


  • I've noticed this as well, and I think it might be a bug that was introduced in of of the more recent updates (although I don't think the latest update) of either AC or Unity. I haven't updated UFPS for a while so I don't think it's that.
  • You can find out if AC is causing this by putting a Debug.Log inside the SetCameraEnabled function of UltimateFPSIntegration.cs.  If it appears in the Console, you'll be able to trace it back and find the cause, so we'll be able to tell if it should be being called in the first place.
  • False alarm. My menu's toggle key is Escape. In the Unity Editor, Escape defocuses the mouse cursor from the Game view, which of course prevents UFPS from receiving mouse input. 
  • Okay, the issue I had was different then. But I did some serious digging and found the culprit. I don't think it's a bug, but it's weird enough that it might stump some people.

    For the record, as someone else might run into this in the future, my issue was as follows:

    - When inventory/map/etc. menus pop up, their ActionList on turn on constrains the player and deactivates background interactions.
    - Upon closing each menu (with an on-screen button, or keypress), the ActionList on turning off releases the constrain and re-enables interactions.
    - But here's the thing: if the turn off ActionList is set to run in the background, the "Constrain -> Enable" action doesn't work properly. It only seems to affect mouse turning, not player movement.
    -- If that ActionList is set to pause gameplay, then it works as expected.

    Since the UFPS-based constrain only half works, I suspect this is an issue with UFPS rather than AC. 
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