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collider is not working with AC

edited November 2015 in Technical Q&A
Hi all,
I tried to place some box/capsule collider in my scene on walls and objects but the collisions no work. I use a first person character with unity navigation as pathfinding method.
I used the unity collider system and the AC collider creation tool from scene manager (static obstacle and navsegments too) and they are not working. My FPC can pass through the walls. Maybe I forgot to set something?
How can I set the colliders in my scene with AC?
Also I'd like to remove the ToggleCursor feature. I tried to set Tank Control in Movement Setting from Scene Manager but it no works,
Thank you for help me.


  • Make sure your colliders have "Is Trigger?" unchecked, and that your Player prefab also has a Collider + a Rigidbody (or just a Character Controller).

    You can remove the ToggleCursor input in Unity' Input Manager, and then just set the cursor's default state with the Lock cursor in screen's centre when game begins? option in the Settings Manager.
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