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Couple of questions about walking/running behaviour...

Hello! Just a couple of things I was wondering...

1) At the moment, I've a particular area of a scene where, roughly half of the time, the character will wander off in the opposite direction to his (unobstructed) location, before doing a u-turn a few steps later and heading towards their goal. Is there anything I can do in terms of scene design to cut down on this behaviour?

2) I've got an NPC I need to stay in place to carry out an animation (painting a wall), and I've made him kinematic to stop the player character pushing him out of the way when he runs into him. However, what happens now is that the PC is stuck moonwalking/running into the NPC. Is there a way to get the player to give up on their attempted movement after a few moments of being stuck in the same spot?

Keep up the great work!


  • 1) In 3D?  Try varying the Destination accuracy slider in the Settings Manager, which controls "how close is close enough" when pathfinding.  I am making some improvements to this area in v1.50.

    2) You have a couple of options:
    1. Use a custom NavMesh that cuts a hole around the NPC, so that the Player will never be able to walk into the area where the NPC is standing.  If the NPC needs to move away, you can swap the NavMesh during gameplay by using the Engine: Change scene setting Action.  This trick is used in the 3D Demo to evade the barrel once it's fallen over.
    2. Switch to Unity Navigation as your scene's pathfinding method, and then attach the NavMesh Obstacle component to your NPC.  Unity's navigation system is capable of evading stationary obstacles in this way.
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