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General questions.

Hey Chris, I have been tinkering with your kit for awhile and think it may be a good fit to convert my current project to, some questions though.

  1. I would like to incorporate a turn based combat system, is that something your system supports out of the box, and if so, can you direct me to any examples of how I could implement combat in any form with your kit.
  2. I did notice that AC can be turned on-off via the to lines of code, so it would seem I could add a separate combat system or other systems to activate in some way, do their thing then re-activate AC, would that be a good interpretation.
  3. I noted a question asking about integrating Inventory Pro, seems you have not decided yet, correct.
  4. I have used PLYGame and ORK extensively to handle many RPG like elements in my game, does you system integrate with them or offer specific features that would handle a RPG themed game.



  • edited December 2015
    1) and 2)
    No - AC does not handle combat, turn-based or otherwise.  You can, however, make use of a separate script / asset and disable AC (or parts of it) when you need to.  As you've said, AC can be disabled completely through script, but also selectively by using the "Engine: Manage systems" Action.

    The best approach would to to make use of the scripting guide to add your own integration.  In general terms, you'll want to declare each inventory item in both assets, and then call AC's RuntimeInventory script to select or manipulate AC's items as needed, eg:

    AC.InvItem myItem = AC.KickStarter.runtimeInventory.GetItem (2); // Gets the item with ID = 2
    AC.KickStarter.runtimeInventory.SelectItem (myItem); // Selects the item

    Not specifically.  AC's variable system can be used to keep track of basic values like player health and stats, but you're better off using another asset if you're looking to make an RPG - at least for the RPG elements.
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