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Mouse Interactions for 3rd Person

I`m developing a thrid person adventure.
I have locked the mouse to the screen center and changed the input method to controller and keyboard. 
i remapped the interactionA & B to keyboard keys. my only problem now is that in the pause menu i cant use a mouse anymore. 
is there any solution to use it normal in the pause mode and use a custom arrow icon too? 

greetz billy


  • You can change the Input method to Mouse And Keyboard mid-game by using the Engine: Manage systems Action.  Try creating two ActionList assets: one that switches it to Mouse And Keyboard, and another that switches it back to Keyboard Or Controller.

    You can then assign these ActionLists as appropriate in your Pause Menu(s) ActionList when turn on/off fields.  Open the Menu Manager, and select a Menu.  You'll find fields in a Menu's properties that let you choose an ActionList asset to run when that Menu is turned on or off.
  • ok that sounds easy but there is no option in Engine: Manage systems to switch to Mouse/Keyboard and Keyboard/Controller. the only option is to switch the movement method like point&click and fps. where can i found the options? 
  • My mistake - you're right, the Action can only change the movement method, not input.

    First of all, check that using Keyboard Or Controller input is absolutely necessary.  Depending on your control requirements, you may be able to leave it as Mouse And Keyboard.

    If you need to change the input method mid-game, you can read my post about doing so here.
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