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Motion Controller V2 for AC

I bought the above asset and read your tutorial 'adding a custom controller' also added the script from that tut but I have conflict of Camera, what type of AC movement (direct or 1sdtperson), they are using Mouse X and Mouse Y which are the same as CursorHorizontal and Vertical in general I have problem with movement itself which defeats the purpose for buying that asset..

In other words  have spent the money uselessly and I suppose you cannot help because it may be that it has something to do with the Motion Controller V2 and they cannot help either because they have nothing to do with AC.

I have still hopes.....


  • Also do I make the JONES character (in your tut) a prefab?

    Do I include Rigidbody and Capsule collider as with all Player character? 

  • edited March 2016
    You're recommended to make always make your player character a prefab and assign him in the Settings Manager, but it's not technically required - if you keep him in all your scenes out of runtime, it'll still work.

    The tutorial covers all the steps - the Rigidbody and Capsule collider didn't need adding for me when writing it.

    Your post doesn't detail too well what exactly your problem is - I don't know what you mean by "conflict of Camera".  However, you can still use MotionController's camera - just add AC's MainCamera component onto the Camera tagged as MainCamera and it should work.

    You can have both Mouse X/Y and CursorHorizontal/Vertical defined in your Input Manager.

    Assuming your game is 3rd person, keep the Movement method as either Direct or Point And Click, depending on what you want.
  • After spending 12 hours on the subject I have realized that AC and Motion Controller V2 are incompatible.

    I can make the Player move and even use a couple of the animations (climbing ladders, sneak for instance) but if I use a AC ActionList involving the Player such as  Character:Animation and use the Is Player it shows a message within "this action requires a Character before more options will show"

    and of course, there is a Player character (Jones from MC V2)

    Also if I use  Character:Move to Point as Is Player it will move there but then I lose control of the character it doesn't move anymore only the camera moves.

    Other interactions involving the Player are fine such as Hotspots and Intercations but to me the first point above is vital otherwise the MC V2 is useless for me.

    Pity after almost 40 €

  • No need to give up just yet - you've reported an issue, now something can be done about it.

    Let's deal with the main problem first.  The displayed message suggests that while you have a Player character, it hasn't been assigned in the Settings Manager - since the Action is trying to learn what the Player actually is.  Have you done so?  If you have, try unchecking the Action's Is Player? option and manually dragging the Player gameobject into the Character field.  Also be sure to set your Player's Animation engine to Mecanim, so that you can control him using the Actions as you'd expect.
  • I am confused. You say in your tutorial for MC V2 to set

    Animation engine to Custom

    Motion Control to Manual

    If I set Animation engine to Mecanim then it doesn't show the error message and it works.

    The second problem: if I set a Character:Move to Point it does go to Marker point and then it  gets stuck in the 'Marker to reach' .

    I am confused but at least something seems to work..................

  • The tutorial asks you to set the Animation engine to Custom because it's assuming that you're overriding all control over the character to your new system.  The "Character: Animate" Action is an AC system, which will get ignored in this case.  If it works better as Mecanim for you, then leave it at that.  Be sure to remove the parameter text fields in your Player's Inspector, however, as AC will now try to update those and there'll be a conflict.

    If the player is getting stuck at the Marker to reach (I'm assuming you mean he's not understanding he's there correctly), try lowering your Destination accuracy slider in the Settings Manager.
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