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New Music engine Crossfade doesn't seem to work between scenes?


I have Unity v 5.3.3f1 Personal, and AC v 1.51a, running Windows 7.

I used the Music Storage window to add 2 music tracks, selected "Music can play when game is paused". I have Audio Mixer Groups setup for Music, SFX, and Speech (All set up appropriately in the AC Editor Settings, including exposing variables for it. That's all fine and dandy). Music Volume set to full 1 in the mixer, and in the AC Settings.

Audio listener on the main camera, Child Sound object on an NPC, and a "Speech" sound object for the subtitle window text.

Scene 1:
OnStart >
- Sound | Play music
- Music action: Play
- (Track 0)
- Looped
- NOT queued
- Transition time 0
- After running: Continue

I start the scene and both Music and a walking sound effect come out blaring for a split second before they're normalized properly. I found a post on here stating that this was a Unity glitch, not AC, so I've temporarily delayed the scripts by 1 second to avoid this initial burst. Not the issue, anyways. :)

Now, the music plays fine, etc...

Scene 2:
- Sound | Play music
- Music action: Crossfade
- (Track 1)
- Looped
- NOT queued
- Transition time 1
- After running: Continue

When I transition from Scene 1 to Scene 2, the first scene's music is still playing, and won't "cross fade" to the second track.

If I play Scene 2 directly, the music plays properly. But I can't seem to get the music to change when I change scenes... Am I using the new Music manager incorrectly to crossfade between tracks? Even if I change the action from "Crossfade" to "Play" the music never shifts away from the initial track.

The crossfade child of the "Music Engine" doesn't ever seem to get the audio track that it's supposed to fade out, moreover it doesn't have the Music Audio Mixer Group attached to it. It looks like the Music Engine gameobject is automatically generated, so I'm not sure if I can attach it myself, or if that's really the issue or not.


  • edited March 2016
    It looks like this is down to the "Loop" check in the first Action.  Thanks for the report, I'll look into it.
  • I see... Well, thank you very much for replying! I will continue to set up my scenes using "Crossfade".
  • This is fixed in v1.51b, and availabe now on the Asset Store.
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