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Problems with AC (NavMesh, Player Start and New game wizard)

Hi. I installed Unity, imported new package (AC). Then I start new project with AC asset, new scene and there is no AC tab in the upper part of the Unity. Thats why i cant access New game wizard.. Here is the screen 
imageSo there is no errors in console window. 
Then i try to make scene and i make NavMesh - and Resize but there is no pentagon there...  The same with Player Start - there is no arrow pointing player facing position. Could you please help me? image


  • edited April 2016
    What version of Unity are you using, and what version number of Adventure Creator have you installed?  It should tell you at the bottom of the Manager's window, or on the front page of the Manual.
  • I have Mac -  Unity 5.3.4f1   
    And I have imported the AC from asset store -  its version is 1.51d (apr 10 2016)
  • edited April 2016
    That you're not getting a Console error, and that you have the much-older toolbar link "Window -> Adventure Creator", suggests otherwise.  Please PM me your invoice number to resolve this, and then we can help.
  • where can i see what my invoice number is?
  • edited April 2016
    It should come as part of the receipt Unity sent you by email after you purchased the asset.
  • I dont think this information can help to fix my problem... Could you please tell me how can i make NavMesh work properly? 
  • Of course - once you've proven you've purchased AC.
  • And why is that? ) Why have i to prove anything? Whats the problem? 
  • Because you wouldn't be seeing 'Window -> Adventure Creator' in the top toolbar if you were using v1.51d.  So as I can understand what's going on, I need to verify your invoice.
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