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the new 3d Tutorial ???

Just because you mentioned in your last release that the 3D tutorial has been revamped
including the latest techniques I made a new project and started from scratch with that tutorial.
There seems to be an important omission about the Hotspots and I realized it because when I was going
to test the first one: LiftDoors I couldn't see anything, no cursors no interaction and it's because the
Hotspot detection by vicinity that you explained very nicely in one of your answers to my forum question
is missing from the tutorial and yet in the initialization of the tut you specifically use this type of Hotspot detection.


  • The 3D Demo game was revamped in v1.52, not the tutorial.  I apologise if there was a mistake in the tutorial.
  • OK, but I am continuing with your tut and I would like to adopt the UI templates specifically for the better looking Cursor and perhaps even the Pause/Continue but my Managers contain many specially created items which I don't want to lose when I plant the Walking Dead Managers instead.

    What would be the procedure to insert the features in the Walking Dead into my own Managers?

  • Never mind. I have copied the Menu item Interaction and Hotspot and deleted the same form My game Manager Menu. It just changes the Hotspot with the new ring Interaction which is the only thing I wanted changed
  • I continue to work with your 3D tut and I get an error that I never experienced when I try to run it with the 'Maximize on Play" button  and it stops with this message :

    Invalid editor window UnityEditor.FallbackEditorWindow

    In all my projects I never had this error message

  • It sounds like a Unity error.  Which version are you using?  According to this post, reverting your window layout to the factory settings should fix it - but back up your project first.
  • Yeah, this error happens to me all the time, it seems to happen because the window layouts are different between projects, usually due to plugins which are in one project but not in another. Unity knows there should be a window with something there but can't find it in the project, and strangely that seems to be a problem when you try to maximize the screen in playmode. All you got to do is revert the unity layout to factory default and it'll work again.
  • Yes, indeed Alverik  it works after I changed to factory default. Thanks
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