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2D sprite pivot point that keeps changing for no reason?

I kept on clicking save project instead of save scene so it didn't save cuz I accidentally click the power button and it is back to when i last clicked save scene. There is a yellow circle with a cross that apparently is the pivot point and before I lost my progress it moved to way below the player(lower than in sprite editor) so I just made the navmesh so that it could look the pivot point is in the right place but now the pivot point change to the middle of the sprite for no reason. I check the sprite editor and the pivot point there is actually right below the feet of the character. Is there a way that I can just use the pivot point of the sprite editor as the pivot point in the game or at least to where it was before it changed to the centre of the sprite? also I have no idea how to change the position of the yellow circle with a cross.

Thank you so much!

Here is a video of the situation (in game window, gizmos on)

before the it moved to the middle of the sprite, the player was not disappearing like shown in the video.


  • I changed the child sprite of my player and the same thing still happen, should I change the myplayer or restart the whole game or?
  • edited December 2016
    when i put the brain sprite, the pivot point becomes middle also for some reason?
    also when i try in a new project the brain pivot point is also middle.(when in scene view and i use the moving sprite feature)
  • edited December 2016
    now the pivot point changed to middle but far left 

    did i click something i don't know? below is the sprite editor now the pivot change to the not too left but middle also the player still keeps disappearing when in game mode
  • used the brain sprite in case that makes a difference and the pivot point is still way off but different location and i update adventure creator now it just won't move y axis also still disappearing and "pivot point" way to low also the pivot point in sprite editor it is on the feet.
  • The pivot point needs to be at the character's feet - you can't adjust your NavMesh to correct it.

    Make sure the character sprite is a child of the GameObject that has your Player/NPC component, and that it is assigned as the "Sprite child" in that component.  The Brain2D player prefab, found in Assets/AdventureCreator/2DDemo/Resources, shows how it should be set up - and you can also use the Character wizard to have AC perform the first steps for making a character given an initial sprite.
  • edited December 2016
    Everything is all right now except the character can only move horizontally from the player start now for some reason?
    It can't move up or diagonally
    So now the player is stuck at -4.65 for the y axis, if i change the y axis or reset the position it will move in that y axis but horizontally only again in game window while I play, I've also tried resetting the transform in scene view when the game is paused but not working
    I also would like to add that AC thinks I am in a 3D game 3 times and I remember i made 2d game I also checked the behaviour mode of the game and it is well set to 2D
    Also I made a new "my player" using the character wizard and same thing happens still
  • For the 3d problem I apparently just had to replace managers with new one since old one I lost the data cuz i accidentally power off lol!
    problem solved!
  • All problems, or just the 3D one?
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