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Loading a scene asynchronously stops at loading scene


If I leave Load scenes asynchronously off, then from the game I can load any save and continue from there, but if turned on I can only get to other scenes by Scene:Switch.. If I try to load the game from the load menu, it never leaves the loading scene. I can load the same scene asynchronously if I leave Always reload scene when loading a save file? off, then it doesnt go through my selected loading scene.. but turned on, it does get stuck on the loading scene.. Is there something I´m missing?


  • edited December 2016
    Could be a bug.  What version of AC, Unity and platform are you working with?
  • edited December 2016
    Unity 5.5.0f3 and AC 1.54c on a windows 10 PC.. 

    When it´s stuck in the chosen loading scene, the PersistentEngine Loading Game (in SaveSystem script) says "In New Scene" and I get this message in the console:

    Bypassing regular AC startup because the current scene is the ´Loading´scene.
  • Backup your project and update to v1.55b.  The log is a debug message, which you can ignore.

    However, I'm not able to recreate this.  Does it occur if you use a non-AC scene as your loading scene?  A scene is considered an "AC" scene if it has a GameEngine prefab and MainCamera component in it.
  • edited January 2017
    Did the updates and still it wouldn't load, so I copied a load menu from a new game and it worked and it led me to see the only difference was that I was calling a ActionList when turn off! I think that was by following a tutorial in making a load save menu of some sort. I changed it to None and then it worked! Heres a screen on how the actionlist is setup, must be something simple that's making it stay on the loading scene and not progress, haven't figured it out yet though :(

  • Adding Engine: Wait before the Menu: Change States also makes it work, but not if it's set to 0 seconds.
  • Thanks for the info, I'll attempt to recreate it again.
  • No such luck, I'm afraid.  You could try playing with the ActionList's properties, such as its When running field.

    However, technically you don't want this ActionList to run when your save game is being loaded - as I'm presuming you only want to turn on your Pause Menu if you back out of Load without choosing a file.

    The more robust approach would be to run this ActionList when you click on the Load Menu's Back button instead.  If you want to keep the ability to toggle the Pause Menu when pressing the Escape key, you could do this with Active Inputs - see section 2.14 of the Manual.
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