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Panning/Zooming in ActionList Editor


in the Actions Manager you are able to set what the mouse wheel is used for in the ActionList Editor: Pan or zoom. If I set it to Pan is there another way to zoom in the ActionList Editor, maybe via keyboard? I already tested holding shift and strg.


  • If you've set it to Zoom, holding the middle-mouse button should allow you to Pan instead.
  • What to do with laptop?

  • As in, a Macbook trackpad?

    A two-finger drag will pan, and holding down Alt while doing so will zoom. You can right-click to bring up the menu and choose "View -> All" to zoom out to view all Actions.

  • I'm on Windows, I can zoom by clicking the Alt button, but can't pan, I don't know what to do, it is very unhandy

  • What are you pressing other than Alt to achieve a zoom? A middle-mouse (or touchpad equivalent) without Alt should pan.

    You can invert this behaviour in the Actions Manager, by setting Using scroll-wheel to Zooms Window.

  • I can zoom, it is not the problem, I need to know how I can pan on Windows Laptop. I'm zooming when pressing alt and zooming on touchpad, but I can't pan in actionlist editor on Windows Laptop. I want to drag the view to left or right. When swiping two fingers to upp or down I can reach the view of upper side and lower side, but I can't go left and right swiping two fingers to left or right, It just does nothing.

  • Panning is a case of pressing the middle-mouse button, or its touchpad equivalent.

    What this equivalent is will vary by your laptop's make - try a three-finger press, or visiting your device's Touchpad settings to see what options it provides for emulating a middle-mouse click.

  • I've set it up for the middle mouse to be the 3 fingers input, but how I try I can't pan from left to right or from right to left. It is so annoying.

  • Open up AC's ActionListEditor window script, and search for the line:

    else if (e.type == EventType.MouseDrag && e.button == 2)

    Replace with:

    else if (e.type == EventType.MouseDrag && e.button == 1)

    Then search for the line:

    if (e.type == EventType.ContextClick && dragMode == DragMode.None)

    Replace with:

    if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 2 && dragMode == DragMode.None)

    That should swap the middle and right-mouse buttons. Is that easier to work with?

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