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HotSpot trigger interference with Collision Detection


Character has PlayMaker on it that detects Triggers and Collision events.

They are both very important for the game play, 

The issue I face now is due to the hotspot trigger (child object on the player), it interferes with the Collision detection, instead it causes it to be a Trigger event.

What is the best way around this? I of course would prefer to still have the hotspot detector... 

Trigger event appears to read the Players child objects thus the interference. 

Thank you.


  • edited March 2017
    If you can't get your PlayMaker to discard the triggers (either via PM itself or by changing e.g. the Layer) you can move the Hotspot Detector to a separate GameObject (i.e. remove it from the Player's hierarchy).

    You'll need to keep the Player prefab saved in the scene file so that you can assign the Hotspot Detector as a separate object, and will also need a simple custom script that transfers the position and rotation of the player to the detector each frame.
  • It worked by changing the layer on the HotSpot detector, I chose "Ground" as I didn't want another layer created, will this have any side effects?

    Thank you for the substitute solution as well.
  • AC won't use that layer unless you tell it to, so there shouldn't be any side-effects for that - can't speak for PM or any other assets you may rely on, though.
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