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Menu manager stuck if empty elements

Sometime I tried to add a menu, then I worked on other menus and I forget the ones I created.

This creates an empty spot on the menu manager. Like this:


Alas when I go back in the menu from the Game Editor screen Unity becomes stuck.

After a little panic I checked the managers, I found the empty element in the menu manager and I adjusted the size.

I think it could be a small bug and it could be solved automatically.


  • Are you creating your menus using the GUI?  The foldout you've posted shouldn't be visible, I'm not sure why that's showing in your window.
  • I was creating menus using the default menu manager in the Game Editor window, but it got stuck.
    I don't remember excatly what I was doing. I juste remember I clicked "Create new menu", but then I moved to change another menu (and not the one I had just created).

    So I tried to find what's the problem and I went to the manager folder. I clicked on the menu manager and I found this.

    I solved the issue manually.
  • Ok, now I think I know what I did.

    - I clicked "create new menu"
    - I clicked "Add new label"
    - I selected label text and start writing
    - Then I clicked "ctrl-z". I was trying to cancel the text I've copied in the text label, but this deleted the menu from the menu list, leaving an empty space in the menu manager.

    This made unity stuck.
  • OK.  I see it, thanks for the detailed response - will look into a fix.
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