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Search local/all instances of an action is approximate

There seems to be an approximate search for an action in "ActionsManager" -> "SearchActionsForType". Specifically the line "action.title.Contains (actionType.title)". Is there any reason behind the approximation? I seem to get a lot of false positives with this, when doing "Search * Instances" it's not a problem, since I can remove the line while doing the searches I need. But I just found it very strange, and was interested, whether there is any risk of temporarily removing it. Maybe do it under an optional parameter, so it is precise when doing "Search * Instances" and imprecise when it needs to be imprecise?


  • It might not be necessary.  What was the Action type you're searching for, and what were the false positives?
  • Sometimes I need very slight modifications to existing actions. And to avoid losing my changes I duplicate them and name them "<Old name> Ext." or extended. And since the rule simply is 'always use the ext. version instead, I leave them in the same category as the old one, not in custom category). Then when trying to replace all the old ones with new ones I get new ones discovered when searching for the old ones as well. Once again, not that big of a deal, I'm already done with that task. It just seemed as a strange comparison rule.
  • You're right - I'll remove it.
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