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Camera switch discarded when Action List ends?

I have a small utility action list which I set up for when the player interacts with an NPC.  By default I have a camera attached to my NPCs and I have a utility action list which rotates the player and NPC toward one another as well as performing a camera switch to the one attached to the NPC. However, if I run this utility action list from within another action list, as soon as the utility action list completes, it pops back to the last game camera (which is my FPS camera view).  Could we have a property on action lists to control this?  Am I simply missing something?  

It seems like making this behavior optional would be of great benefit.


  • I've just realized I may be wanting a GameCamera instead of SimpleCamera?
  • I'm using an FPS camera setup.  The main interaction which the utility is run from is set to pause the game.  Not sure if any of that matters.
  • I've just found the "Run conversations in first-person" option, going to mess with that and see if my results change.  I'm betting that has something to do with it.
  • Please see the end of the "First-person movement" chapter in the Manual.

    If the Movement method is set to First Person, AC will switch back to the First Person camera during regular gameplay.  You can, however, temporarily switch this to None using the Engine: Manage systems Action to prevent this at fixed points in your game.
  • Yeah, the issue I had was the Run Conversation in First-Person" option.  It meant any time I ran a conversation action for multi select options, the camera jumped back to the player camera, even within a cutscene. That wasn't the behavior I was after and I disabled it which yielded what I was hoping for.  

    I assume that's the correct solution?
  • If you're initiating a Conversation with the NPC, yes - you didn't say specifically that's what you were doing.  By "Conversation", the field's referring to the moment dialogue options are displayed on-screen - as opposed to speech lines being spoken by the characters.
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