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2D navigation in a 3D world space?

Hi again,

So remember how I'm trying to make that overhead game within a game that you play on an old computer? I found out very recently that Unity has no nave mesh in 2D. So I was thinking maybe I could use the 2D nave mesh inside Adventure Creator, mostly for the enemies. However, I've set up the game as a 3D first person one, and I couldn't create a NavMesh like the ones shown in the 2D demo. Even inside the 2D scene of the Dungeon Crawler game.

I read in This thread that you can switch between 3D and 2D managers, but that guy was talking about doing it in different scenes. I'm talking about doing it in the same scene. Do you think it would be possible to do this... I realize this is somewhat of an edge case.

Are you even able to move NPCs to the nave mesh? I know moving NPCs around isn't a super common feature in Adventure games.


  • edited October 2018
    NPCs can certainly move along a NavMesh, so long as the method matches the perspective (i.e. Polygon Collider for 2D, Unity Navigation for 3D).  It's not restricted to just the Player.

    Since that thread was posted, you can actually set the camera perspective on a per-scene level - see the options that appear in a blank scene before organising objects in the Scene Manager.

    However, that too requires that the perspective is consistent within the same scene - there's no option to have different characters move along different NavMesh types.  This is also compounded that characters are considered to either all be in 2D or 3D - you can't mix and match.

    If your player is sitting down and no 3D NPCs are moving, you may be able to temporarily change out the active NavMesh / NavigationEngine, but it's likely easier to just stick to a custom pathfinding method for your 2D characters.
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