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Sub-scene layers


In the game I have a main scene and I would like to add (and remove) other scenes as a sub-scenes (atop of main scene, but in smaller size). Right now I'm using Add Scene and it works well, but when the sub-scene is loaded all the layers between two scenes (main and sub-scene) are mixed. I understand that I could just shift up all the layers of sub-scene, but I believe there should be a more elegant approach...
And, when I use Add Scene, is there any way to change it's size?
The game is 2D

Thank you!


  • edited January 2019

    when the sub-scene is loaded all the layers between two scenes (main and sub-scene) are mixed. I understand that I could just shift up all the layers of sub-scene, but I believe there should be a more elegant approach...

    You're talking about sprite layers? AC isn't doing any fancy manipulation here - how things are displayed is all down to your use of Unity's SpriteRenderer and Camera components. Elegant or not, this isn't something AC controls.

    Shifting up the sub-scene layers would be the cleanest way, but I expect you could have a simple script in your sub-scene that does this for you automatically by e.g. finding all the SpriteRenderer components and increasing their Order value by a set amount.

    And, when I use Add Scene, is there any way to change it's size?

    The size of the scene? The scene file itself doesn't have a Transform. You can't modify the scale/position of the scene as a whole. All you can do is modify the scale of the objects within it. To change all with just one, you could parent them all to a shared "base" GameObject in the scene's Hierarchy.

  • Thank you Chris!
    To put all the scene's objects to a "Base" GameObject sounds like a good solution for resizing. To shift all the SpriteRenderer and Camera components with a script sounds like a good idea as well.
    Thank you again for all your help.

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