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Problems with Timeline character animation positions

Hi, I'm having a problem with Timeline and the climbing animation of a character. When I look at the character animation in Timeline in edit mode everything seems fine, but on play mode when the character starts climbing it will end the animation in middle air and at a different height that it should be.
Here's a little video showing the problem. Could it be a bug of timeline? I'm totally lost about the cause, so any help would be welcome, thank you.


  • Welcome to the community, @nilead.

    First of all - what are your AC and Unity versions?

    Getting character positioning correct in Timeline can be quite tricky at times. It likely is Timeline, since all AC should be doing is telling Unity when to run it and nothing else.

    You could confirm that it is purely down to Timeline, however, by testing with a separate character with no Player tag/component to be sure.

    What's likely going on, however, is that your Player's collider is colliding with the wall and preventing the character from moving. You should be able to confirm this by temporarily disabling their Capsule Collider (and checking Ignore gravity? in the Player Inspector to prevent them falling through the floor). If this is the cause, you can create a new animation track in your Timeline to disable the collider for its duration.

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