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Turn off Highlight script on the certain objects?

edited November 2019 in Technical Q&A

Hi Chris:)

My input FlashHotspots is activated, so when I press Space button all my objects that have Highlight script are flashing and show some nice icon (really cool function to show all interactions in the scene as a hint). I have quite a lot of hotspots and for some purposes I need to teleport a few of them out off the scene (where camera will not see them) but leave them to be turned on. In the same time I don't want to flash objects that are associated with these hotspots anymore when I press Space button. I know that I can simply turn off hotspots to do this but I really need to leave these hotspots to be turned on.

Is there a way how to turn off Highlight script on the certain objects and back it again when you need it?


  • You can connect/disconnect a Highlight component from its Hotspot through script by modifying the Hotspot's highlight variable.

    Example script, attached to the Hotspot:

    using UnityEngine;
    using AC;
    public class HotspotHighlightConnector : MonoBehaviour
        private Hotspot hotspot;
        private Highlight highlight;
        private void OnEnable ()
            hotspot = GetComponent <Hotspot>();
            highlight = GetComponent <Highlight>();
        private void OnDisable ()
            Connect ();
        public void Connect ()
            if (hotspot) hotspot.highlight = highlight;
        public void Disconnect ()
            if (hotspot) hotspot.highlight = null;

    You could then use the Object: Call event Action to call this script's Connect and Disconnect functions when appropriate.

  • edited November 2019

    Thank you Chris, working perfect!!! <3

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