Adventure Creator  1.81.2
An adventure game toolkit for Unity, by Chris Burton, ICEBOX Studios 2013-2024
AC.Hotspot Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for AC.Hotspot:
AC.ITranslatable AC.IItemReferencer AC.iActionListAssetReferencer

Public Member Functions

void SetAsActive ()
void SetAsInactive ()
void RunInteraction (AC.Button button)
 Runs an Interaction associated with the Hotspot More...
void RunExamineInteraction ()
void RunUseInteraction (int iconID=-1)
 Runs one of the Hotspot's 'Use' interactions. More...
void RunInventoryInteraction (int invID=-1)
 Runs one of the Hotspot's 'Inventory' interactions. More...
void RunInventoryInteraction (InvItem invItem=null)
 Runs one of the Hotspot's 'Inventory' interactions. More...
void RunInventoryInteraction (InvInstance invInstance=null)
 Runs one of the Hotspot's 'Inventory' interactions. More...
void SetProximity (bool isGameplay)
 Highlights the Hotspot based on the mouse cursor's proximity. More...
bool UpgradeSelf ()
 Upgrades the Hotspot from a previous version of Adventure Creator. More...
void DrawHotspotIcon (bool inWorldSpace=false)
 Draws an icon at the Hotspot's centre. More...
string GetFullLabel (int languageNumber=0, int cursorID=-1)
 Gets the label to display when the cursor is over this Hotspot, with cursor names and active inventory item included if appropriate. More...
void UpdateIcon ()
void UpdateProximity (DetectHotspots detectHotspots)
 Sets the layer of the Hotspot according to whether or not it is within the proximity of a Hotspot detector. More...
bool UpdateUnhandledVisibility ()
 Sets the layer of the Hotspot according to whether or not it has a "Use" interaction for the currently-selected cursor More...
void SetIconVisibility (bool makeVisible, float speed=5f)
 Shows or hides the Hotspot's associated icon, provided that the Settings Manager's hotspotIconDisplay = HotspotIconDisplay.ViaScriptOnly More...
Button GetFirstUseButton ()
 Gets the Button that represents the first-available "Use" interaction. More...
int GetFirstUseIcon ()
 Gets the ID of the icon that represents the first-available "Use" interaction. More...
Button GetUseButton (int iconID)
 Gets the Button that represents the first-available "Use" interaction associated with a given interaction icon. More...
Button GetInvButton (int invID)
 Gets the Button that represents the first-available "Inventory" interaction associated with a given inventory item. More...
HotspotInteractionType GetButtonInteractionType (Button _button)
 Gets the interaction type of a given Button, provided it is defined by the Hotspot More...
int FindFirstEnabledInteraction ()
 Gets the index number of the Button that represents the first-available "Use" interaction. More...
void TurnOn ()
 Enables the Hotspot. More...
void SetButtonState (Button button, bool isEnabled)
 Updates the enabled state of one of the Hotspot's Buttons More...
void OnExitPlayerVicinityMode ()
virtual void TurnOn (bool manualSet)
 Enables the Hotspot. More...
void TurnOff ()
virtual void TurnOff (bool manualSet)
 Disables the Hotspot. More...
virtual bool IsOn ()
 Checks if the Hotspot is enabled or not. More...
bool PlayerIsWithinBoundary ()
 Checks if the Player is within the Hotspot's interactableBoundary, if assigned. More...
void Select ()
void Deselect ()
void Flash ()
void DeselectInstant ()
void ShowInteractionMenus ()
void ShowInteractionMenu (Menu menu, bool includeInventoryItems)
 Turns on a specific Menu, linking any Interaction icons in it to the Hotspot. The Menu doesn't need to have an appearType of AppearType.OnInteraction. More...
bool IsSingleInteraction ()
 Checks if oneClick = True, and the Hotspot has at least one "Use" interaction defined. More...
bool HasInventoryInteraction (InvItem invItem)
 Checks if the Hotspot has an active interaction for a given inventory item, or a generic unhandled inventory interaction. More...
Vector2 GetIconScreenPosition ()
 Gets the position of the Hotspot's icon, in Screen Space. More...
virtual Vector3 GetIconPosition (bool inLocalSpace=false)
 Gets the position of the Hotspot's icon More...
virtual Vector3 GetFacingPosition (bool inLocalSpace=false)
 The Hotspot's facing position More...
void ResetMainIcon ()
int GetPreviousInteraction (int i, int numInvInteractions)
 Gets the previous interaction index. More...
int GetPreviousInteraction (int i)
int GetActiveInvButtonID ()
void RestoreInteraction ()
string GetName (int languageNumber)
 Gets the Hotspot's current display name. More...
void SetName (string newName, int _lineID)
 Renames the Hotspot mid-game. More...
bool HasContextUse ()
 Checks if the Hotspot has at least one "Use" interaction defined. More...
bool HasContextLook ()
 Checks if the Hotspot has at least one "Examine" interaction defined. More...
int GetNextInteraction (int i, int numInvInteractions)
 Gets the next interaction index. More...
int GetNextInteraction (int i)
MatchingInvInteractionData GetMatchingInvInteractionData (bool rebuild)
override string ToString ()
CursorIcon GetMainIcon ()
 Gets the Hotspot's "main" icon, which refers to the first-found interaction icon associated with the Hotspot. More...
int GetNumItemReferences (int itemID)
int UpdateItemReferences (int oldItemID, int newItemID)
string GetTranslatableString (int index)
 Gets the text to be translated, given its index. More...
int GetTranslationID (int index)
 Gets the translation ID of a given text index. More...
AC_TextType GetTranslationType (int index)
 Gets the translation type of a given text index. More...
void UpdateTranslatableString (int index, string updatedText)
int GetNumTranslatables ()
 Gets the maximum number of possible translatable texts. More...
bool HasExistingTranslation (int index)
 Checks if a given text index has already been assigned a unique translation ID. More...
void SetTranslationID (int index, int _lineID)
 Sets the translation ID of a given text index More...
string GetOwner (int index)
 Gets the name of the translatable text's owner. In the case of speech text, it is the name of the character. In the case of menu element text, it is the name of the menu element. More...
bool OwnerIsPlayer (int index)
 Checks if the translatable text's owner is a Player. This is necessary for speech lines, since multiple player prefabs can feasibly share the same line. More...
bool CanTranslate (int index)
 Checks if a given text index can and should be translated. More...
bool ReferencesAsset (ActionListAsset actionListAsset)
List< ActionListAssetGetReferencedActionListAssets ()

Public Attributes

AC.InteractionSource interactionSource
InteractiveBoundary interactiveBoundary = null
string hotspotName
int lineID = -1
Highlight highlight
Marker walkToMarker
Transform centrePoint
CentrePointOverrides centrePointOverrides = CentrePointOverrides.FacingAndIconPosition
bool provideUseInteraction
List< ButtonuseButtons = new List<Button>()
bool oneClick = false
bool provideLookInteraction
Button lookButton = new Button()
bool provideInvInteraction
List< ButtoninvButtons = new List<Button>()
bool provideUnhandledUseInteraction
bool provideUnhandledInvInteraction
Button unhandledUseButton = new Button()
Button unhandledInvButton = new Button()
bool canBeLowerCase = false
bool drawGizmos = true
int lastInteractionIndex = 0
int displayLineID = -1
string iconSortingLayer = ""
int iconSortingOrder = 0
DoubleClickingHotspot doubleClickingHotspot = DoubleClickingHotspot.MakesPlayerRun
bool playerTurnsHead = true

Protected Member Functions

void Awake ()
void Start ()
void OnEnable ()
void OnDisable ()
void OnSwitchCamera (_Camera oldCamera, _Camera newCamera, float transitionTime)
void OnChangeLanguage (int language)
void UpdateLabel (int languageNumber)
void LimitToActiveCamera (_Camera _camera)
void FindFirstInteractionIndex ()
void PlaceOnDistantLayer ()
void PlaceOnHotspotLayer ()
bool CanDisplayHotspotIcon ()
void GenerateMainIcon ()
int FindLastEnabledInteraction (int numInvInteractions)
bool HasEnabledUseInteraction (int _iconID)
bool HasEnabledInvInteraction (int _itemID)
int GetNumInteractions (int numInvInteractions)
string GetLabelPrefix (int languageNumber=0, int cursorID=-1)
void OnDrawGizmos ()
void OnDrawGizmosSelected ()
void DrawGizmos ()

Protected Attributes

Collider _collider
Collider2D _collider2D
bool isOn = true
float iconAlpha = 0
Sprite iconSprite = null
SpriteRenderer iconRenderer = null
CursorIcon mainIcon
LerpUtils.FloatLerp iconAlphaLerp = new LerpUtils.FloatLerp (true)
float manualShowIconSpeed = 5f
bool manuallyShowIcon = false
bool tooFarAway = false
MatchingInvInteractionData matchingInvInteractionData


_Camera limitToCamera [get, set]
Transform Transform [get]
Collider Collider [get]

Detailed Description

This component provides the player with a region of space in the scene that can be interacted with. Data for each interaction is stored within the Button class, and this component stores them in Lists. The number of interactions, and how exactly they are triggered, are determined in SettingsManager.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CanTranslate()

bool AC.Hotspot.CanTranslate ( int  index)

Checks if a given text index can and should be translated.

indexThe index of the translatable text
True if the text can and should be translated

Implements AC.ITranslatable.

◆ Deselect()

void AC.Hotspot.Deselect ( )

De-selects the Hotspot.

◆ DeselectInstant()

void AC.Hotspot.DeselectInstant ( )

De-selects the Hotspot instantly.

◆ DrawHotspotIcon()

void AC.Hotspot.DrawHotspotIcon ( bool  inWorldSpace = false)

Draws an icon at the Hotspot's centre.

inWorldSpaceIf True, the icon shall be drawn as a sprite in world space, as opposed to an OnGUI graphic in screen space.

◆ FindFirstEnabledInteraction()

int AC.Hotspot.FindFirstEnabledInteraction ( )

Gets the index number of the Button that represents the first-available "Use" interaction.

The index number of the Button that represents the first-available "Use" interaction

◆ Flash()

void AC.Hotspot.Flash ( )

Invokes the Hotspot's flashing effect

◆ GetButtonInteractionType()

HotspotInteractionType AC.Hotspot.GetButtonInteractionType ( Button  _button)

Gets the interaction type of a given Button, provided it is defined by the Hotspot

_buttonThe Button to check
The Button's interaction type. If the Button is null or cannot be found on the Hotspot, HotspotInteractionType.NotFound will be returned

◆ GetFacingPosition()

virtual Vector3 AC.Hotspot.GetFacingPosition ( bool  inLocalSpace = false)

The Hotspot's facing position

<param = "inLocalSpace">If True, the position returned will be relative to the centre of the Hotspot's transform, rather than the scene's origin

The Hotspot's facing position

◆ GetFirstUseButton()

Button AC.Hotspot.GetFirstUseButton ( )

Gets the Button that represents the first-available "Use" interaction.

The Button that represents the first-available "Use" interaction

◆ GetFirstUseIcon()

int AC.Hotspot.GetFirstUseIcon ( )

Gets the ID of the icon that represents the first-available "Use" interaction.

The ID of the icon that represents the first-available "Use" interaction. If no appropriate interaction is found, -1 is returned

◆ GetFullLabel()

string AC.Hotspot.GetFullLabel ( int  languageNumber = 0,
int  cursorID = -1 

Gets the label to display when the cursor is over this Hotspot, with cursor names and active inventory item included if appropriate.

languageNumberThe index number of the language to return the line in, where 0 = the game's original language.
cursorIDThe ID number of the cursor icon (set in the Cursor Manager) to get the label for. If <0, the active cursor will be used.
The label to display when the cursor is over this Hotspot, with cursor names and active inventory item included if appropriate.

◆ GetIconPosition()

virtual Vector3 AC.Hotspot.GetIconPosition ( bool  inLocalSpace = false)

Gets the position of the Hotspot's icon

<param = "inLocalSpace">If True, the position returned will be relative to the centre of the Hotspot's transform, rather than the scene's origin

The position of the Hotspot's icon

◆ GetIconScreenPosition()

Vector2 AC.Hotspot.GetIconScreenPosition ( )

Gets the position of the Hotspot's icon, in Screen Space.

The position of the Hotspot's icon, in Screen Space.

◆ GetInvButton()

Button AC.Hotspot.GetInvButton ( int  invID)

Gets the Button that represents the first-available "Inventory" interaction associated with a given inventory item.

invIDThe ID number of the associated inventory item, as defined in the Inventory Manager.
The Button that represents the first-available "Inventory" interaction associated with a given inventory item.

◆ GetMainIcon()

CursorIcon AC.Hotspot.GetMainIcon ( )

Gets the Hotspot's "main" icon, which refers to the first-found interaction icon associated with the Hotspot.

The Hotspot's "main" icon.

◆ GetName()

string AC.Hotspot.GetName ( int  languageNumber)

Gets the Hotspot's current display name.

languageNumberThe index number of the game's current language
The Hotspot's current display name

◆ GetNextInteraction()

int AC.Hotspot.GetNextInteraction ( int  i,
int  numInvInteractions 

Gets the next interaction index.

iThe current interaction index
numInvInteractionsThe number of relevant "Inventory" interactions that match the current cursor
The next interaction index

◆ GetNumTranslatables()

int AC.Hotspot.GetNumTranslatables ( )

Gets the maximum number of possible translatable texts.

The maximum number of possible translatable texts.

Implements AC.ITranslatable.

◆ GetOwner()

string AC.Hotspot.GetOwner ( int  index)

Gets the name of the translatable text's owner. In the case of speech text, it is the name of the character. In the case of menu element text, it is the name of the menu element.

indexThe index of the translatable text
The name of the translatable text's owner.

Implements AC.ITranslatable.

◆ GetPreviousInteraction()

int AC.Hotspot.GetPreviousInteraction ( int  i,
int  numInvInteractions 

Gets the previous interaction index.

iThe current interaction index
numInvInteractionsThe number of relevant "Inventory" interactions that match the current cursor
The previous interaction index

◆ GetTranslatableString()

string AC.Hotspot.GetTranslatableString ( int  index)

Gets the text to be translated, given its index.

indexThe index of the translatable text
The text to be translated

Implements AC.ITranslatable.

◆ GetTranslationID()

int AC.Hotspot.GetTranslationID ( int  index)

Gets the translation ID of a given text index.

indexThe index of the translatable text
The translation ID of the text

Implements AC.ITranslatable.

◆ GetTranslationType()

AC_TextType AC.Hotspot.GetTranslationType ( int  index)

Gets the translation type of a given text index.

indexThe index of the translatable text
The translation type of a given text index.

Implements AC.ITranslatable.

◆ GetUseButton()

Button AC.Hotspot.GetUseButton ( int  iconID)

Gets the Button that represents the first-available "Use" interaction associated with a given interaction icon.

iconIDThe ID number of the associated interaction icon, as defined in the Cursor Manager.
The Button that represents the first-available "Use" interaction associated with a given interaction ID.

◆ HasContextLook()

bool AC.Hotspot.HasContextLook ( )

Checks if the Hotspot has at least one "Examine" interaction defined.

True if the Hotspot has at least one "Examine" interaction defined.

◆ HasContextUse()

bool AC.Hotspot.HasContextUse ( )

Checks if the Hotspot has at least one "Use" interaction defined.

True if the Hotspot has at least one "Use" interaction defined.

◆ HasExistingTranslation()

bool AC.Hotspot.HasExistingTranslation ( int  index)

Checks if a given text index has already been assigned a unique translation ID.

indexThe index of the translatable text
True if the text has been assigned a unique translation ID

Implements AC.ITranslatable.

◆ HasInventoryInteraction()

bool AC.Hotspot.HasInventoryInteraction ( InvItem  invItem)

Checks if the Hotspot has an active interaction for a given inventory item, or a generic unhandled inventory interaction.

invItemThe inventory item to check for
True if the Hotspot has an active interaction for the inventory item, or a generic unhandled inventory interaction.

◆ IsOn()

virtual bool AC.Hotspot.IsOn ( )

Checks if the Hotspot is enabled or not.

True if the Hotspot is enabled. If the Hotspot is not active only because its limitToCamera is not active, then True will be returned.

◆ IsSingleInteraction()

bool AC.Hotspot.IsSingleInteraction ( )

Checks if oneClick = True, and the Hotspot has at least one "Use" interaction defined.

True if oneClick = True, and the Hotspot has at least one "Use" interaction defined.</summmary>

◆ OnExitPlayerVicinityMode()

void AC.Hotspot.OnExitPlayerVicinityMode ( )

Corrects the Hotspot's state after exiting "Player Vicinity" Hotspot detection mode. This is called automatically by PlayerInteraction

◆ OwnerIsPlayer()

bool AC.Hotspot.OwnerIsPlayer ( int  index)

Checks if the translatable text's owner is a Player. This is necessary for speech lines, since multiple player prefabs can feasibly share the same line.

indexThe index of the translatable text
True if the translatable text's owner is a Player.

Implements AC.ITranslatable.

◆ PlayerIsWithinBoundary()

bool AC.Hotspot.PlayerIsWithinBoundary ( )

Checks if the Player is within the Hotspot's interactableBoundary, if assigned.

True if the Player is within the Hotspot's interactableBoundary, if assigned. If no InteractableBoundary is assigned, or there is no Player, then True will be returned.

◆ ResetMainIcon()

void AC.Hotspot.ResetMainIcon ( )

Clears the Hotspot's internal 'use' icon, as used when the Hotspot is highlighted.

◆ RunExamineInteraction()

void AC.Hotspot.RunExamineInteraction ( )

Runs the Hotspot's 'Examine' interaction, if one is defined.

◆ RunInteraction()

void AC.Hotspot.RunInteraction ( AC.Button  button)

Runs an Interaction associated with the Hotspot

buttonThe Interaction's Button class

◆ RunInventoryInteraction() [1/3]

void AC.Hotspot.RunInventoryInteraction ( int  invID = -1)

Runs one of the Hotspot's 'Inventory' interactions.

invIDThe ID number of the InvItem associated with the Button. If no number is supplied, that of the currently-selected inventory item will be used.

◆ RunInventoryInteraction() [2/3]

void AC.Hotspot.RunInventoryInteraction ( InvInstance  invInstance = null)

Runs one of the Hotspot's 'Inventory' interactions.

invInstanceThe inventory instance associated with the Button. If no item is supplied, that of the currently-selected inventory item will be used.

◆ RunInventoryInteraction() [3/3]

void AC.Hotspot.RunInventoryInteraction ( InvItem  invItem = null)

Runs one of the Hotspot's 'Inventory' interactions.

invItemThe inventory item associated with the Button. If no item is supplied, that of the currently-selected inventory item will be used.

◆ RunUseInteraction()

void AC.Hotspot.RunUseInteraction ( int  iconID = -1)

Runs one of the Hotspot's 'Use' interactions.

iconIDThe ID number of the CursorIcon associated with the Button. If no number is supplied, the first enabled Use interaction will be run.

◆ Select()

void AC.Hotspot.Select ( )

Selects the Hotspot.

◆ SetAsActive()

void AC.Hotspot.SetAsActive ( )

Registers this as the active Hotspot in the PlayerInteraction script

◆ SetAsInactive()

void AC.Hotspot.SetAsInactive ( )

Unregisters this as the active Hotspot in the PlayerInteraction script

◆ SetButtonState()

void AC.Hotspot.SetButtonState ( Button  button,
bool  isEnabled 

Updates the enabled state of one of the Hotspot's Buttons

buttonThe Button to update
isEnabledIf True, the Button will be enabled. If False, it will be disabled

◆ SetIconVisibility()

void AC.Hotspot.SetIconVisibility ( bool  makeVisible,
float  speed = 5f 

Shows or hides the Hotspot's associated icon, provided that the Settings Manager's hotspotIconDisplay = HotspotIconDisplay.ViaScriptOnly

makeVisibleIf True, the icon will be shown. If false, the icon will be hidden
speedThe speed at which to show or hide the icon. If <=0, the transition will be instantaneous.

◆ SetName()

void AC.Hotspot.SetName ( string  newName,
int  _lineID 

Renames the Hotspot mid-game.

newNameThe new name of the Hotspot
_lineIDThe translation ID number assocated with the new name, as set by SpeechManager

◆ SetProximity()

void AC.Hotspot.SetProximity ( bool  isGameplay)

Highlights the Hotspot based on the mouse cursor's proximity.

isGameplayIf True, then it is during gameplay, and the highlight effect will work

◆ SetTranslationID()

void AC.Hotspot.SetTranslationID ( int  index,
int  lineID 

Sets the translation ID of a given text index

indexThe index of the translatable text
lineIDThe new translation ID to assign the translatable text

Implements AC.ITranslatable.

◆ ShowInteractionMenu()

void AC.Hotspot.ShowInteractionMenu ( Menu  menu,
bool  includeInventoryItems 

Turns on a specific Menu, linking any Interaction icons in it to the Hotspot. The Menu doesn't need to have an appearType of AppearType.OnInteraction.

menuThe Menu to turn on
includeInventoryItemsIf True, and supported, then inventory items associcated with the Hotspot's interactions will be included as well

◆ ShowInteractionMenus()

void AC.Hotspot.ShowInteractionMenus ( )

Shows any Menus with appearType = AppearType.OnInteraction, linking any Interactino icons in it to the Hotspot

◆ TurnOff() [1/2]

void AC.Hotspot.TurnOff ( )

Disables the Hotspot.

◆ TurnOff() [2/2]

virtual void AC.Hotspot.TurnOff ( bool  manualSet)

Disables the Hotspot.

manualSetIf True, then the Hotspot will be considered 'Off" when saving

◆ TurnOn() [1/2]

void AC.Hotspot.TurnOn ( )

Enables the Hotspot.

◆ TurnOn() [2/2]

virtual void AC.Hotspot.TurnOn ( bool  manualSet)

Enables the Hotspot.

manualSetIf True, then the Hotspot will be considered 'On" when saving

◆ UpdateIcon()

void AC.Hotspot.UpdateIcon ( )

Recalculates the alpha value of the Hotspot's icon.

◆ UpdateProximity()

void AC.Hotspot.UpdateProximity ( DetectHotspots  detectHotspots)

Sets the layer of the Hotspot according to whether or not it is within the proximity of a Hotspot detector.

detectHotspotThe DetectHotspots component to check the proximity against

◆ UpdateUnhandledVisibility()

bool AC.Hotspot.UpdateUnhandledVisibility ( )

Sets the layer of the Hotspot according to whether or not it has a "Use" interaction for the currently-selected cursor

True if the Hotspot is on the default layer, False if not

◆ UpgradeSelf()

bool AC.Hotspot.UpgradeSelf ( )

Upgrades the Hotspot from a previous version of Adventure Creator.

True if the upgrade was successful

Member Data Documentation

◆ canBeLowerCase

bool AC.Hotspot.canBeLowerCase = false

If True, the Hotspot's label will be lower-cased when placed in the middle of a Hotspot label if it is not at the start.

◆ centrePoint

Transform AC.Hotspot.centrePoint

A Transform that represents the centre of the Hotspot, if it is not physically at the same point as the Hotspot's GameObject itself

◆ centrePointOverrides

CentrePointOverrides AC.Hotspot.centrePointOverrides = CentrePointOverrides.FacingAndIconPosition

What the centrePoint overrides, if set

◆ displayLineID

int AC.Hotspot.displayLineID = -1

The translation ID number of the Hotspot's name, if it was changed mid-game

◆ doubleClickingHotspot

DoubleClickingHotspot AC.Hotspot.doubleClickingHotspot = DoubleClickingHotspot.MakesPlayerRun

The effect that double-clicking on the Hotspot has, if interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ContextSensitive in SettingsManager

◆ drawGizmos

bool AC.Hotspot.drawGizmos = true

If True, then a Gizmo may be drawn in the Scene window at the Hotspots's position

◆ highlight

Highlight AC.Hotspot.highlight

The Highlight component that controls any highlighting effects associated with the Hotspot

◆ hotspotName

string AC.Hotspot.hotspotName

The display name, if not the GameObject's name

◆ iconSortingLayer

string AC.Hotspot.iconSortingLayer = ""

The 'Sorting Layer' of the icon's SpriteRenderer, if drawn in World Space

◆ iconSortingOrder

int AC.Hotspot.iconSortingOrder = 0

The 'Order in Layer' of the icon's SpriteRenderer, if drawn in World Space

◆ interactionSource

AC.InteractionSource AC.Hotspot.interactionSource

The source of the commands that are run when an option is chosen (InScene, AssetFile, CustomScript)

◆ interactiveBoundary

InteractiveBoundary AC.Hotspot.interactiveBoundary = null

If assigned, then the Hotspot will only be interactive when the player is within this Trigger Collider's boundary

◆ invButtons

List<Button> AC.Hotspot.invButtons = new List<Button>()

A List of all available 'Inventory' interactions

◆ lastInteractionIndex

int AC.Hotspot.lastInteractionIndex = 0

The index of the last-active interaction

◆ lineID

int AC.Hotspot.lineID = -1

The translation ID number of the Hotspot's name, as generated by SpeechManager

◆ lookButton

Button AC.Hotspot.lookButton = new Button()

The 'Examine' interaction, if interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ContextSensitive in SettingsManager

◆ oneClick

bool AC.Hotspot.oneClick = false

If True, then clicking the Hotspot will run the Hotspot's first interaction in useButtons, regardless of the interactionMethod chosen in SettingsManager

◆ playerTurnsHead

bool AC.Hotspot.playerTurnsHead = true

If True, then the player will turn their head when the Hotspot is selected (if SettingsManager's playerFacesHotspots = True)

◆ provideInvInteraction

bool AC.Hotspot.provideInvInteraction

If True, then the Hotspot can have 'Inventory' interactions

◆ provideLookInteraction

bool AC.Hotspot.provideLookInteraction

If True, then the Hotspot can have an 'Examine' interaction, if interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ContextSensitive in SettingsManager

◆ provideUnhandledInvInteraction

bool AC.Hotspot.provideUnhandledInvInteraction

If True, then the Hotspot can have an unhandled 'Inventory' interaction

◆ provideUnhandledUseInteraction

bool AC.Hotspot.provideUnhandledUseInteraction

If True, then the Hotspot can have an unhandled 'Use' interaction

◆ provideUseInteraction

bool AC.Hotspot.provideUseInteraction

If True, then the Hotspot can have 'Use" interactions

◆ unhandledInvButton

Button AC.Hotspot.unhandledInvButton = new Button()

The unhandled 'Inventory' interaction, which will be run if the player uses an inventory item on the Hotspot, and it is not handled within invButtons

◆ unhandledUseButton

Button AC.Hotspot.unhandledUseButton = new Button()

The unhandled 'Use' interaction, which will be run if the player interacts with the Hotspot using a cursor that has not been defined in the Hotspot's 'Use interactions' panel.

◆ useButtons

List<Button> AC.Hotspot.useButtons = new List<Button>()

A List of all available 'Use' interactions

◆ walkToMarker

Marker AC.Hotspot.walkToMarker

The Marker that the player can optionally automatically walk to before an Interaction runs

Property Documentation

◆ limitToCamera

_Camera AC.Hotspot.limitToCamera

If assigned, then the Hotspot will only be interactive when the assigned _Camera is active

◆ Transform

Transform AC.Hotspot.Transform

A cache of the Hotspot's transform component