Adventure Creator  1.81.2
An adventure game toolkit for Unity, by Chris Burton, ICEBOX Studios 2013-2024
AC.SettingsManager Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for AC.SettingsManager:

Public Member Functions

void ShowGUI (System.Action< ActionListAsset > showALAEditor)
ActiveInput GetActiveInput (int ID)
 Gets the Active Input with a given ID More...
Surface GetSurface (int ID)
 Gets the Surface with a given ID More...
Surface GetSurface (string label)
 Gets the Surface with a given label More...
bool PlayerCanReverse ()
 Checks if the movement settings are such that the player character is able to reverse More...
bool IsFirstPersonDragRotation ()
 Checks if the game is in first-person, on touch screen, and dragging affects only the camera rotation. More...
bool IsFirstPersonDragComplex ()
 Checks if the game is in first-person, on touch screen, and dragging one finger affects camera rotation, and two fingers affects player movement. More...
bool IsFirstPersonDragMovement ()
 Checks if the game is in first-person, on touch screen, and dragging affects player movement and camera rotation. More...
int GetDefaultPlayerID ()
 Gets the ID number of the default Player prefab. More...
PlayerPrefab GetPlayerPrefab (int ID)
 Gets a PlayerPrefab class with a given ID number, if player-switching is allowed. Otherwise, returns the only PlayerPrefab that can be set More...
int GetEmptyPlayerID ()
 Gets the ID number of the first-assigned Player prefab. More...
Player GetDefaultPlayer (bool showError=true)
 Gets the default Player prefab. More...
Player[] GetAllPlayerPrefabs ()
 Gets an array of all defined Player prefabs. More...
Player[] GetAllPlayerInstances ()
 Gets an array of all scene instances of the defined Player prefabs More...
void SetDefaultPlayer (Player defaultPlayer)
 Sets the default Player prefab More...
bool CanClickOffInteractionMenu ()
 Checks if the player can click off Interaction menus to disable them. More...
bool MouseOverForInteractionMenu ()
 Checks if the player brings up the Interaction Menu by hovering the mouse over a Hotspot. More...
SelectInteractions SelectInteractionMethod ()
 Gets the method of selecting Interactions, if interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseHotspotThenInteraction. More...
bool ShowHoverInteractionInHotspotLabel ()
 Checks if the interaction method is ChooseInteractionThenHotspot, and if the Hotspot label should change when hovering over an Interaction icon. More...
bool IsInLoadingScene ()
 Checks if the game is currently in a "loading" scene. More...
bool IsInFirstPerson ()
 Checks if the game is played in first-person. More...
bool CanGiveItems ()
 Checks if the player is able to "give" inventory items to NPCs. More...
bool CanSelectItems (bool showError)
 Checks if inventory items can be selected and then used on Hotspots or other items. More...
bool CanDragCursor ()
 Checks if the cursor can be dragged on a touch-screen. More...
bool ReleaseClickInteractions ()
 Checks if Interactions are triggered by "clicking up" over a MenuInteraction element. More...
float GetDestinationThreshold (float offset=0.1f)
 Gets the minimum distance that a character can be to its target to be considered "close enough". More...

Public Attributes

bool separateEditorSaveFiles = false
string saveFileName = ""
SaveTimeDisplay saveTimeDisplay = SaveTimeDisplay.DateOnly
string customSaveFormat = "MMMM dd, yyyy"
RenderTexture screenshotRenderTexture
SaveScreenshots saveScreenshots = SaveScreenshots.Never
float screenshotResolutionFactor = 1f
bool useProfiles = false
int maxSaves = 5
bool orderSavesByUpdateTime = false
bool reloadSceneWhenLoading = false
bool saveWithThreading = false
bool saveCompression = false
bool saveAssetReferencesWithAddressables = false
SaveLabels saveLabels = new SaveLabels ()
ChooseSceneBy referenceScenesInSave = ChooseSceneBy.Number
bool useInvariantCulture = true
List< InvVarsceneAttributes = new List<InvVar>()
ActionListAsset actionListOnStart
bool blackOutWhenSkipping = false
bool savePlayerReferencesWithAddressables = false
PlayerSwitching playerSwitching = PlayerSwitching.DoNotAllow
List< PlayerPrefabplayers = new List<PlayerPrefab>()
MovementMethod movementMethod = MovementMethod.PointAndClick
InputMethod inputMethod = InputMethod.MouseAndKeyboard
float simulatedCursorMoveSpeed = 4f
AC_InteractionMethod interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ContextSensitive
SelectInteractions selectInteractions = SelectInteractions.ClickingMenu
bool autoHideInteractionIcons = true
CancelInteractions cancelInteractions = CancelInteractions.CursorLeavesMenuOrHotspot
SeeInteractions seeInteractions = SeeInteractions.ClickOnHotspot
bool closeInteractionMenuIfTapHotspot = true
bool stopPlayerOnClickHotspot = false
bool cycleInventoryCursors = true
bool scaleCursorSpeedWithScreen = true
bool autoCycleWhenInteract = false
bool showHoverInteractionInHotspotLabel = false
bool allowDefaultinteractions = false
bool alwaysCloseInteractionMenus = true
WhenReselectHotspot whenReselectHotspot = WhenReselectHotspot.RestoreHotspotIcon
bool lockCursorOnStart = false
bool hideLockedCursor = false
bool disableFreeAimWhenDragging = false
bool disableFreeAimWhenDraggingPickUp = false
bool runConversationsWithKeys = false
bool clickUpInteractions = false
bool clickUpHotspots = false
bool defaultMouseClicks = true
bool allowGameplayDuringConversations = false
bool walkToHotspotMarkers = true
float dragThreshold = 0f
int maxInventorySlots = 0
bool shareInventory = false
bool inventoryDragDrop = false
bool allowInventoryInteractionsDuringConversations = false
bool inventoryDropLook = false
bool inventoryDropLookNoDrag = false
InventoryInteractions inventoryInteractions = InventoryInteractions.Single
bool inventoryDisableLeft = true
bool allowDefaultInventoryInteractions = false
bool inventoryDisableUnhandled = true
bool inventoryDisableDefined = true
bool inventoryInteractionsHaltPlayer = false
bool activeWhenHover = false
InventoryActiveEffect inventoryActiveEffect = InventoryActiveEffect.Simple
float inventoryPulseSpeed = 1f
bool activeWhenUnhandled = true
bool canReorderItems = false
SelectInventoryDisplay selectInventoryDisplay = SelectInventoryDisplay.NoChange
RightClickInventory rightClickInventory = RightClickInventory.DeselectsItem
bool reverseInventoryCombinations = false
bool canMoveWhenActive = true
bool selectInvWithUnhandled = false
int selectInvWithIconID = 0
bool giveInvWithUnhandled = false
int giveInvWithIconID = 0
bool autoDisableUnhandledHotspots = false
Transform clickPrefab
bool showClickPrefabWithStraightToCursorHeld
ClickMarkerPosition clickMarkerPosition = ClickMarkerPosition.ColliderContactPoint
float walkableClickRange = 1f
NavMeshSearchDirection navMeshSearchDirection = NavMeshSearchDirection.RadiallyOutwardsFromCursor
bool ignoreOffScreenNavMesh = true
DoubleClickMovement doubleClickMovement = DoubleClickMovement.MakesPlayerRun
bool magnitudeAffectsDirect = false
DirectTurnMode directTurnMode
bool stopTurningWhenReleaseInput = false
bool disableMovementWhenInterationMenusAreOpen = false
DirectMovementType directMovementType = DirectMovementType.RelativeToCamera
LimitDirectMovement limitDirectMovement = LimitDirectMovement.NoLimit
float cameraLockSnapAngleThreshold = 5f
bool directMovementPerspective = false
float destinationAccuracy = 0.8f
bool experimentalAccuracy = false
bool unityUIClicksAlwaysBlocks = false
float pathfindUpdateFrequency = 0f
float verticalReductionFactor = 0.7f
bool rotationsAffectedByVerticalReduction = true
bool alwaysPathfindInSpriteDirection = false
bool singleTapStraight = false
bool singleTapStraightPathfind = false
float clickHoldSeparationStraight = 0.3f
bool useFPCamDuringConversations = true
bool onlyInteractWhenCursorUnlocked = false
float freeAimSmoothSpeed = 50f
bool firstPersonMovementSmoothing = true
bool assumeInputsDefined = false
List< ActiveInputactiveInputs = new List<ActiveInput>()
List< Surfacesurfaces = new List<Surface> ()
float freeAimTouchSpeed = 0.01f
float dragWalkThreshold = 5f
float dragRunThreshold = 20f
bool drawDragLine = false
float dragLineWidth = 3f
Color dragLineColor = Color.white
bool offsetTouchCursor = false
TouchScreenHotspotInput touchScreenHotspotInput = TouchScreenHotspotInput.TouchTwice
FirstPersonTouchScreen firstPersonTouchScreen = FirstPersonTouchScreen.OneTouchToMoveAndTurn
DirectTouchScreen directTouchScreen = DirectTouchScreen.DragBased
bool touchUpWhenPaused = false
bool touchUpInteractScene = false
AspectRatioEnforcement aspectRatioEnforcement = AspectRatioEnforcement.NoneEnforced
float wantedAspectRatio = 1.5f
float maxAspectRatio = 2.39f
bool renderBorderCamera = true
bool landscapeModeOnly = true
CameraPerspective cameraPerspective = CameraPerspective.ThreeD
bool cacheCameraMain = false
bool linearColorTextures = false
MovingTurning movingTurning = MovingTurning.Unity2D
HotspotDetection hotspotDetection = HotspotDetection.MouseOver
bool closeInteractionMenusIfPlayerLeavesVicinity = false
bool placeDistantHotspotsOnSeparateLayer = true
HotspotsInVicinity hotspotsInVicinity = HotspotsInVicinity.NearestOnly
bool highlightAllHotspotsInVicinity = true
HotspotIconDisplay hotspotIconDisplay = HotspotIconDisplay.Never
HotspotIcon hotspotIcon
Texture2D hotspotIconTexture = null
CursorIconBase hotspotIconGraphic = new CursorIcon ()
string highlightMaterialPropertyOverride = ""
float hotspotIconSize = 0.04f
bool playerFacesHotspots = false
bool onlyFaceHotspotOnSelect = false
bool scaleHighlightWithMouseProximity = false
float highlightProximityFactor = 4f
bool occludeIcons = false
bool hideIconUnderInteractionMenu = false
ScreenWorld hotspotDrawing = ScreenWorld.ScreenSpace
bool hideUnhandledHotspots = false
bool selectLowestOverlappingHotspot = false
float navMeshRaycastLength = 100f
float hotspotRaycastLength = 100f
float moveableRaycastLength = 30f
string hotspotLayer = "Default"
string distantHotspotLayer = "DistantHotspot"
string navMeshLayer = "NavMesh"
string backgroundImageLayer = "BackgroundImage"
string deactivatedLayer = "Ignore Raycast"
bool useLoadingScreen = false
bool manualSceneActivation = false
ChooseSceneBy loadingSceneIs = ChooseSceneBy.Number
bool loadScenesFromAddressable = false
string loadingSceneName = ""
int loadingScene = 0
bool useAsyncLoading = false
float loadingDelay = 0f
bool blackOutWhenInitialising = true
bool spawnPersistentEnginePrefab = true
bool autoCallUnloadUnusedAssets = true
bool playMusicWhilePaused = false
bool playAmbienceWhilePaused = false
List< MusicStoragemusicStorages = new List<MusicStorage>()
List< MusicStorageambienceStorages = new List<MusicStorage>()
float loadAmbienceFadeTime = 0f
bool crossfadeAmbienceWhenLoading = false
bool restartAmbienceTrackWhenLoading = false
float loadMusicFadeTime = 0f
bool crossfadeMusicWhenLoading = false
bool restartMusicTrackWhenLoading = false
bool autoEndOtherMusicWhenPlayed = true
Music musicPrefabOverride = null
Ambience ambiencePrefabOverride = null
VolumeControl volumeControl = VolumeControl.AudioSources
AudioMixerGroup musicMixerGroup = null
AudioMixerGroup sfxMixerGroup = null
AudioMixerGroup speechMixerGroup = null
string musicAttentuationParameter = "musicVolume"
string sfxAttentuationParameter = "sfxVolume"
string speechAttentuationParameter = "speechVolume"
int defaultLanguage = 0
int defaultVoiceLanguage = 0
bool defaultShowSubtitles = false
float defaultSfxVolume = 0.9f
float defaultMusicVolume = 0.6f
float defaultSpeechVolume = 1f
ShowDebugLogs showDebugLogs = ShowDebugLogs.Always
bool printActionCommentsInConsole = false
ActionCommentLogging actionCommentLogging = ActionCommentLogging.Never
DebugWindowDisplays showActiveActionLists = DebugWindowDisplays.Never


SeeInteractions SeeInteractions [get]
RightClickInventory RightClickInventory [get]
string SavePrefix [get]
float jumpSpeed [get, set]
float? AspectRatio [get]
AspectRatioEnforcement AspectRatioEnforcement [get]
bool InventoryDragDrop [get, set]
bool CanDragPlayer [get]
InventoryInteractions InventoryInteractions [get]
bool AutoDisableUnhandledHotspots [get]
Player player [get]
PlayerPrefab PlayerPrefab [get]

Detailed Description

Handles the "Settings" tab of the Game Editor window. Most game-wide settings, including those related to control, input and interactions, are stored here.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CanClickOffInteractionMenu()

bool AC.SettingsManager.CanClickOffInteractionMenu ( )

Checks if the player can click off Interaction menus to disable them.

True if the player can click off Interaction menus to disable them.

◆ CanDragCursor()

bool AC.SettingsManager.CanDragCursor ( )

Checks if the cursor can be dragged on a touch-screen.

True if the cursor can be dragged on a touch-screen

◆ CanGiveItems()

bool AC.SettingsManager.CanGiveItems ( )

Checks if the player is able to "give" inventory items to NPCs.

True if the player is able to "give" inventory items to NPCs.

◆ CanSelectItems()

bool AC.SettingsManager.CanSelectItems ( bool  showError)

Checks if inventory items can be selected and then used on Hotspots or other items.

showErrorIf True, then a warning will be sent to the Console if this function returns False
Checks if inventory items can be selected and then used on Hotspots or other items

◆ GetActiveInput()

ActiveInput AC.SettingsManager.GetActiveInput ( int  ID)

Gets the Active Input with a given ID

IDThe ID of the Active Input to get
The Active Input

◆ GetAllPlayerInstances()

Player [] AC.SettingsManager.GetAllPlayerInstances ( )

Gets an array of all scene instances of the defined Player prefabs

An array of all scene instances of the defined Player prefabs

◆ GetAllPlayerPrefabs()

Player [] AC.SettingsManager.GetAllPlayerPrefabs ( )

Gets an array of all defined Player prefabs.

An array of all defined Player prefabs

◆ GetDefaultPlayer()

Player AC.SettingsManager.GetDefaultPlayer ( bool  showError = true)

Gets the default Player prefab.

showErrorIf True, and no default Player is found, a warning message will be printed in the Console
The default player Player prefab

◆ GetDefaultPlayerID()

int AC.SettingsManager.GetDefaultPlayerID ( )

Gets the ID number of the default Player prefab.

The ID number of the default Player prefab

◆ GetDestinationThreshold()

float AC.SettingsManager.GetDestinationThreshold ( float  offset = 0.1f)

Gets the minimum distance that a character can be to its target to be considered "close enough".

offsetThe calculation is 1 + offset - destinationAccuracy, so having a non-zero offset prevents the result ever being zero.
The minimum distance that a character can be to its target to be considered "close enough".

◆ GetEmptyPlayerID()

int AC.SettingsManager.GetEmptyPlayerID ( )

Gets the ID number of the first-assigned Player prefab.

The ID number of the first-assigned Player prefab

◆ GetPlayerPrefab()

PlayerPrefab AC.SettingsManager.GetPlayerPrefab ( int  ID)

Gets a PlayerPrefab class with a given ID number, if player-switching is allowed. Otherwise, returns the only PlayerPrefab that can be set

IDThe ID number of the PlayerPrefab class to return
The PlayerPrefab class with the given ID number. This will return the single PlayerPrefab if playerSwitching = PlayerSwitching.DoNotAllow

◆ GetSurface() [1/2]

Surface AC.SettingsManager.GetSurface ( int  ID)

Gets the Surface with a given ID

IDThe ID of the Surface to get
The Surface

◆ GetSurface() [2/2]

Surface AC.SettingsManager.GetSurface ( string  label)

Gets the Surface with a given label

labelThe label of the Surface to get
The Surface

◆ IsFirstPersonDragComplex()

bool AC.SettingsManager.IsFirstPersonDragComplex ( )

Checks if the game is in first-person, on touch screen, and dragging one finger affects camera rotation, and two fingers affects player movement.

True if the game is in first-person, on touch screen, and dragging one finger affects camera rotation, and two fingers affects player movement.

◆ IsFirstPersonDragMovement()

bool AC.SettingsManager.IsFirstPersonDragMovement ( )

Checks if the game is in first-person, on touch screen, and dragging affects player movement and camera rotation.

True if the game is in first-person, on touch screen, and dragging affects player movement and camera rotation.

◆ IsFirstPersonDragRotation()

bool AC.SettingsManager.IsFirstPersonDragRotation ( )

Checks if the game is in first-person, on touch screen, and dragging affects only the camera rotation.

True if the game is in first-person, on touch screen, and dragging affects only the camera rotation.

◆ IsInFirstPerson()

bool AC.SettingsManager.IsInFirstPerson ( )

Checks if the game is played in first-person.

True if the game is played in first-person

◆ IsInLoadingScene()

bool AC.SettingsManager.IsInLoadingScene ( )

Checks if the game is currently in a "loading" scene.

True it the game is currently in a "loading" scene

◆ MouseOverForInteractionMenu()

bool AC.SettingsManager.MouseOverForInteractionMenu ( )

Checks if the player brings up the Interaction Menu by hovering the mouse over a Hotspot.

True if the player brings up the Interaction Menu by hovering the mouse over a Hotspot.

◆ PlayerCanReverse()

bool AC.SettingsManager.PlayerCanReverse ( )

Checks if the movement settings are such that the player character is able to reverse

True if the movement settings are such that the player character is able to reverse

◆ ReleaseClickInteractions()

bool AC.SettingsManager.ReleaseClickInteractions ( )

Checks if Interactions are triggered by "clicking up" over a MenuInteraction element.

True if Interactions are triggered by "clicking up" over a MenuInteraction element

◆ SelectInteractionMethod()

SelectInteractions AC.SettingsManager.SelectInteractionMethod ( )

Gets the method of selecting Interactions, if interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseHotspotThenInteraction.

The method of selecting Interactions, if interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseHotspotThenInteraction.

◆ SetDefaultPlayer()

void AC.SettingsManager.SetDefaultPlayer ( Player  defaultPlayer)

Sets the default Player prefab

defaultPlayerThe Player prefab to assign as the default.

◆ ShowGUI()

void AC.SettingsManager.ShowGUI ( System.Action< ActionListAsset showALAEditor)

Shows the GUI.

◆ ShowHoverInteractionInHotspotLabel()

bool AC.SettingsManager.ShowHoverInteractionInHotspotLabel ( )

Checks if the interaction method is ChooseInteractionThenHotspot, and if the Hotspot label should change when hovering over an Interaction icon.

True if the interaction method is ChooseInteractionThenHotspot, and if the Hotspot label should change when hovering over an Interaction icon.

Member Data Documentation

◆ actionCommentLogging

ActionCommentLogging AC.SettingsManager.actionCommentLogging = ActionCommentLogging.Never

When comments attached to Actions should be printed in the Console when the Action is run

◆ actionListOnStart

ActionListAsset AC.SettingsManager.actionListOnStart

The ActionListAsset to run when the game begins

◆ activeInputs

List<ActiveInput> AC.SettingsManager.activeInputs = new List<ActiveInput>()

A List of active inputs that trigger ActionLists when an Input button is pressed

◆ activeWhenHover

bool AC.SettingsManager.activeWhenHover = false

If True, then an inventory item will show its "active" texture when the mouse hovers over it

◆ activeWhenUnhandled

bool AC.SettingsManager.activeWhenUnhandled = true

If True, then the inventory item will show its active effect when hovering over a Hotspot that has no matching Interaction

◆ allowDefaultinteractions

bool AC.SettingsManager.allowDefaultinteractions = false

If True, and interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseInteractionThenHotspot, then invoking the 'DefaultInteractions' input button will run the first-enabled 'Use' interaction of the active Hotspot

◆ allowDefaultInventoryInteractions

bool AC.SettingsManager.allowDefaultInventoryInteractions = false

If True, interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseInteractionThenHotspot and inventoryInteractions = InventoryInteractions.Multiple, then invoking the 'DefaultInteractions' input button will run the first-enabled 'Standard' interaction of the active Inventory item

◆ allowGameplayDuringConversations

bool AC.SettingsManager.allowGameplayDuringConversations = false

If True, then gameplay is allowed during Conversations

◆ allowInventoryInteractionsDuringConversations

bool AC.SettingsManager.allowInventoryInteractionsDuringConversations = false

If True, inventory can be interacted with while a Conversation is active (overridden by allowGameplayDuringConversations)

◆ alwaysPathfindInSpriteDirection

bool AC.SettingsManager.alwaysPathfindInSpriteDirection = false

If True, then 2D characters will move according to their sprite direction when moving along a Path / pathfinding, allowing for smooth movement at corners

◆ ambiencePrefabOverride

Ambience AC.SettingsManager.ambiencePrefabOverride = null

A prefab override for the Ambience object

◆ ambienceStorages

List<MusicStorage> AC.SettingsManager.ambienceStorages = new List<MusicStorage>()

A list of all AudioClips that can be played as ambience using the "Sound: Play ambience" Action

◆ aspectRatioEnforcement

AspectRatioEnforcement AC.SettingsManager.aspectRatioEnforcement = AspectRatioEnforcement.NoneEnforced

What type of aspect ratio to enforce

◆ assumeInputsDefined

bool AC.SettingsManager.assumeInputsDefined = false

If True, then try/catch statements used when checking for input will be bypassed - this results in better performance, but all available inputs must be defined.

◆ autoCallUnloadUnusedAssets

bool AC.SettingsManager.autoCallUnloadUnusedAssets = true

If True, then AC will automatically call Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets after loading Resources data

◆ autoCycleWhenInteract

bool AC.SettingsManager.autoCycleWhenInteract = false

If True, then triggering an Interaction will cycle the cursor mode, if interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseHotspotThenInteraction

◆ autoDisableUnhandledHotspots

bool AC.SettingsManager.autoDisableUnhandledHotspots = false

If True, Hotspots that have no interaction associated with a given inventory item will not be active while that item is selected

◆ autoEndOtherMusicWhenPlayed

bool AC.SettingsManager.autoEndOtherMusicWhenPlayed = true

If True, then playing Music will force all other Sounds in the scene to stop if they are also playing Music

◆ autoHideInteractionIcons

bool AC.SettingsManager.autoHideInteractionIcons = true

If True, then Interaction icons will be hidden if linked to a Hotspot or InvItem that has no interaction linked to that icon

◆ backgroundImageLayer

string AC.SettingsManager.backgroundImageLayer = "BackgroundImage"

The layer to place BackgroundImage prefabs on

◆ blackOutWhenInitialising

bool AC.SettingsManager.blackOutWhenInitialising = true

If True then the game will turn black while the scene initialises itself, which can be useful when restoring animation states

◆ blackOutWhenSkipping

bool AC.SettingsManager.blackOutWhenSkipping = false

If True, then the game will turn black whenever the user triggers the "EndCutscene" input to skip a cutscene

◆ cacheCameraMain

bool AC.SettingsManager.cacheCameraMain = false

If True, Unity's Camera.main variable will be cached for a minor performance boost

◆ cameraLockSnapAngleThreshold

float AC.SettingsManager.cameraLockSnapAngleThreshold = 5f

If greater than zero, player direction will be unchanged when the camera angle changes during gameplay if the input does not exceed this angle

◆ cameraPerspective

CameraPerspective AC.SettingsManager.cameraPerspective = CameraPerspective.ThreeD

The game's camera perspective (TwoD, TwoPointFiveD, ThreeD)

◆ cancelInteractions

CancelInteractions AC.SettingsManager.cancelInteractions = CancelInteractions.CursorLeavesMenuOrHotspot

The method to close Interaction menus, if interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseHotspotThenInteraction (ClickOffMenu, CursorLeavesMenu, CursorLeavesMenuOrHotspot)

◆ canMoveWhenActive

bool AC.SettingsManager.canMoveWhenActive = true

If True, then the player can move while an inventory item is selected

◆ canReorderItems

bool AC.SettingsManager.canReorderItems = false

If True, then inventory items can be re-ordered in a MenuInventoryBox by the player

◆ clickHoldSeparationStraight

float AC.SettingsManager.clickHoldSeparationStraight = 0.3f

The duration in seconds that separates a single click/tap from a held click/tap when movementMethod = AC_MovementMethod.StraightToCursor

◆ clickMarkerPosition

ClickMarkerPosition AC.SettingsManager.clickMarkerPosition = ClickMarkerPosition.ColliderContactPoint

If clickPrefab != null, where the click marker is spawned

◆ clickPrefab

Transform AC.SettingsManager.clickPrefab

A prefab to instantiate whenever the user clicks to move the player, if movementMethod = AC_MovementMethod.PointAndClick

◆ clickUpHotspots

bool AC.SettingsManager.clickUpHotspots = false

If True, then interactions can be triggered by releasing the mouse cursor over a Hotspot, if interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ContextSensitive, or if the Hotspot is a 'single-use' interaction

◆ clickUpInteractions

bool AC.SettingsManager.clickUpInteractions = false

If True, then interactions can be triggered by releasing the mouse cursor over an icon, if interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseHotspotThenInteraction

◆ closeInteractionMenuIfTapHotspot

bool AC.SettingsManager.closeInteractionMenuIfTapHotspot = true

If True, then Interaction Menus can be closed by tapping another Hotspot for which they are opened.

◆ closeInteractionMenusIfPlayerLeavesVicinity

bool AC.SettingsManager.closeInteractionMenusIfPlayerLeavesVicinity = false

If True, and hotspotDetection = HotspotDetection.PlayerVicinity and interactionMethod = InteractionMethod.ChooseHotspotThenInteraction, then Interaction Menus will close if the Player is no longer in the active Hotspot's vicinity

◆ crossfadeAmbienceWhenLoading

bool AC.SettingsManager.crossfadeAmbienceWhenLoading = false

If True, and loadAmbienceFadeTime > 0, then previously-playing ambience audio will be crossfaded out upon loading

◆ crossfadeMusicWhenLoading

bool AC.SettingsManager.crossfadeMusicWhenLoading = false

If True, and loadMusicFadeTime > 0, then previously-playing music audio will be crossfaded out upon loading

◆ customSaveFormat

string AC.SettingsManager.customSaveFormat = "MMMM dd, yyyy"

The format of time display for save game labels, if saveTimeDisplay = SaveTimeDisplay.CustomFormat

◆ cycleInventoryCursors

bool AC.SettingsManager.cycleInventoryCursors = true

If True, then inventory items will be included in Interaction menus / cursor cycles, if interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseHotspotThenInteraction

◆ deactivatedLayer

string AC.SettingsManager.deactivatedLayer = "Ignore Raycast"

The layer to place deactivated objects on

◆ defaultLanguage

int AC.SettingsManager.defaultLanguage = 0

The game's default language index

◆ defaultMouseClicks

bool AC.SettingsManager.defaultMouseClicks = true

If True, and inputMethod = InputMethod.MouseAndKeyboard, then left and right mouse clicks will have default behaviour

◆ defaultMusicVolume

float AC.SettingsManager.defaultMusicVolume = 0.6f

The game's default music audio volume

◆ defaultSfxVolume

float AC.SettingsManager.defaultSfxVolume = 0.9f

The game's default SFX audio volume

◆ defaultShowSubtitles

bool AC.SettingsManager.defaultShowSubtitles = false

The game's default subtitles state

◆ defaultSpeechVolume

float AC.SettingsManager.defaultSpeechVolume = 1f

The game's default speech audio volume

◆ defaultVoiceLanguage

int AC.SettingsManager.defaultVoiceLanguage = 0

The game's default voice language index (if SpeechManager.separateVoiceAndTextLanguages = True)

◆ destinationAccuracy

float AC.SettingsManager.destinationAccuracy = 0.8f

How accurate characters will be when navigating to set points on a NavMesh

◆ directMovementPerspective

bool AC.SettingsManager.directMovementPerspective = false

If True, then the player's position on screen will be accounted for, if directMovementType = DirectMovementType.RelativeToCamera

◆ directMovementType

DirectMovementType AC.SettingsManager.directMovementType = DirectMovementType.RelativeToCamera

How the player moves, if movementMethod = AC_MovementMethod.Direct (RelativeToCamera, TankControls)

◆ directTouchScreen

DirectTouchScreen AC.SettingsManager.directTouchScreen = DirectTouchScreen.DragBased

How Direct movement should work when using touch-screen controls (DragBased, CustomInput)

◆ directTurnMode

DirectTurnMode AC.SettingsManager.directTurnMode

The method to use when turning a character under Direct control

◆ disableFreeAimWhenDragging

bool AC.SettingsManager.disableFreeAimWhenDragging = false

If True, and the game is in first-person, then free-aiming will be disabled while a Draggable object is manipulated

◆ disableFreeAimWhenDraggingPickUp

bool AC.SettingsManager.disableFreeAimWhenDraggingPickUp = false

If True, and the game is in first-person, then free-aiming will be disabled while a PickUp object is manipulated

◆ disableMovementWhenInterationMenusAreOpen

bool AC.SettingsManager.disableMovementWhenInterationMenusAreOpen = false

If True, and Interaction menus are used, movement will be prevented while they are on

◆ distantHotspotLayer

string AC.SettingsManager.distantHotspotLayer = "DistantHotspot"

The layer to place distant Hotspots on, if hotspotDetection = HotspotDetection.PlayerVicinity

◆ doubleClickMovement

DoubleClickMovement AC.SettingsManager.doubleClickMovement = DoubleClickMovement.MakesPlayerRun

If movementMethod = AC_MovementMethod.PointAndClick or StraightToCursor, what effect double-clicking has on player movement

◆ dragLineColor

Color AC.SettingsManager.dragLineColor = Color.white

The colour of the drag line, if drawDragLine = True

◆ dragLineWidth

float AC.SettingsManager.dragLineWidth = 3f

The width of the drag line, if drawDragLine = True

◆ dragRunThreshold

float AC.SettingsManager.dragRunThreshold = 20f

The minimum drag magnitude needed to make the player run, if movementMethod = AC_MovementMethod.Drag

◆ dragThreshold

float AC.SettingsManager.dragThreshold = 0f

The proportion of the screen that the mouse must be dragged for drag effects to kick in

◆ dragWalkThreshold

float AC.SettingsManager.dragWalkThreshold = 5f

If movementMethod = AC_MovementMethod.Drag, the minimum drag magnitude needed to move the player. If movementMethod = AC_MovementMethod.FirstPerson, this is the maximum free-aiming speed

◆ drawDragLine

bool AC.SettingsManager.drawDragLine = false

If True, then a drag line will be drawn on screen if movementMethod = AC_MovementMethod.Drag

◆ experimentalAccuracy

bool AC.SettingsManager.experimentalAccuracy = false

If True, and destinationAccuracy = 1, then characters will lerp to their destination when very close, to ensure they end up at exactly the intended point

◆ firstPersonTouchScreen

FirstPersonTouchScreen AC.SettingsManager.firstPersonTouchScreen = FirstPersonTouchScreen.OneTouchToMoveAndTurn

How First Person movement should work when using touch-screen controls (OneTouchToMoveAndTurn, OneTouchToTurnAndTwoTouchesToMove, TouchControlsTurningOnly, CustomInput)

◆ freeAimSmoothSpeed

float AC.SettingsManager.freeAimSmoothSpeed = 50f

The acceleration for free-aiming smoothing

◆ freeAimTouchSpeed

float AC.SettingsManager.freeAimTouchSpeed = 0.01f

The free-look speed when rotating a first-person camera, if inputMethod = AC_InputMethod.TouchScreen

◆ giveInvWithIconID

int AC.SettingsManager.giveInvWithIconID = 0

The ID number of the CursorIcon interaction that selects the inventory item (in "give" mode) when unhandled, if selectInvWithUnhandled = True

◆ giveInvWithUnhandled

bool AC.SettingsManager.giveInvWithUnhandled = false

If True, and inventoryInteraction = InventoryInteractions.Multiple, then the item will be selected (in "give" mode) if a particular Interaction is unhandled

◆ hideIconUnderInteractionMenu

bool AC.SettingsManager.hideIconUnderInteractionMenu = false

If True, then Hotspot icons will be hidden if an Interaction Menu is visible

◆ hideLockedCursor

bool AC.SettingsManager.hideLockedCursor = false

If True, then the cursor will be hidden whenever it is locked

◆ hideUnhandledHotspots

bool AC.SettingsManager.hideUnhandledHotspots = false

If True, and interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseInteractionThenHotspot, then Hotspots that do not have an interaction for the currently-selected icon will not be visible to the cursor

◆ highlightAllHotspotsInVicinity

bool AC.SettingsManager.highlightAllHotspotsInVicinity = true

If True, all detected Hotspots will be highlighted, not just the selected one, if hotspotDetection = HotspotDetection.PlayerVicinity

◆ highlightMaterialPropertyOverride

string AC.SettingsManager.highlightMaterialPropertyOverride = ""

If set, this material property will be affected by Highlight components instead of the default

◆ highlightProximityFactor

float AC.SettingsManager.highlightProximityFactor = 4f

The factor by which distance affects the highlighting of Hotspots, if scaleHighlightWithMouseProximity = True

◆ hotspotDetection

HotspotDetection AC.SettingsManager.hotspotDetection = HotspotDetection.MouseOver

How Hotspots are detected (MouseOver, PlayerVicinity, CustomScript)

◆ hotspotDrawing

ScreenWorld AC.SettingsManager.hotspotDrawing = ScreenWorld.ScreenSpace

How to draw Hotspot icons (ScreenSpace, WorldSpace)

◆ hotspotIcon

HotspotIcon AC.SettingsManager.hotspotIcon

The type of Hotspot icon to display, if hotspotIconDisplay != HotspotIconDisplay.Never (Texture, UseIcon)

◆ hotspotIconDisplay

HotspotIconDisplay AC.SettingsManager.hotspotIconDisplay = HotspotIconDisplay.Never

When Hotspot icons are displayed (Never, Always, OnlyWhenHighlighting, OnlyWhenFlashing)

◆ hotspotIconGraphic

CursorIconBase AC.SettingsManager.hotspotIconGraphic = new CursorIcon ()

The icon to use for Hotspot icons, if hotspotIcon = HotspotIcon.Texture

◆ hotspotIconSize

float AC.SettingsManager.hotspotIconSize = 0.04f

The size of Hotspot icons

◆ hotspotIconTexture

Texture2D AC.SettingsManager.hotspotIconTexture = null


◆ hotspotLayer

string AC.SettingsManager.hotspotLayer = "Default"

The layer to place active Hotspots on

◆ hotspotRaycastLength

float AC.SettingsManager.hotspotRaycastLength = 100f

The length of rays cast to find Hotspots

◆ hotspotsInVicinity

HotspotsInVicinity AC.SettingsManager.hotspotsInVicinity = HotspotsInVicinity.NearestOnly

What Hotspots gets detected, if hotspotDetection = HotspotDetection.PlayerVicinity (NearestOnly, CycleMultiple, ShowAll)

◆ ignoreOffScreenNavMesh

bool AC.SettingsManager.ignoreOffScreenNavMesh = true

If True, and navMeshSearchDirection = NavMeshSearchDirection.RadiallyOutwardsFromCursor, then off-NavMesh clicks will not detect NavMeshes that are off-screen

◆ inputMethod

InputMethod AC.SettingsManager.inputMethod = InputMethod.MouseAndKeyboard

The main input method used to control the game with (MouseAndKeyboard, KeyboardOrController, TouchScreen)

◆ interactionMethod

AC_InteractionMethod AC.SettingsManager.interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ContextSensitive

How Hotspots are interacted with (ContextSensitive, ChooseInteractionThenHotspot, ChooseHotspotThenInteraction)

◆ inventoryActiveEffect

InventoryActiveEffect AC.SettingsManager.inventoryActiveEffect = InventoryActiveEffect.Simple

The effect to apply to an active inventory item's icon (None, Pulse, Simple)

◆ inventoryDisableDefined

bool AC.SettingsManager.inventoryDisableDefined = true

If True, then triggering a defined Inventory interaction will-deselect the active inventory item

◆ inventoryDisableLeft

bool AC.SettingsManager.inventoryDisableLeft = true

If True, then left-clicking will de-select an inventory item

◆ inventoryDisableUnhandled

bool AC.SettingsManager.inventoryDisableUnhandled = true

If True, then triggering an unhandled Inventory interaction will de-select the active inventory item

◆ inventoryDragDrop

bool AC.SettingsManager.inventoryDragDrop = false

If True, then inventory items can be drag-dropped (i.e. used on Hotspots and other items with a single mouse button press

◆ inventoryDropLook

bool AC.SettingsManager.inventoryDropLook = false

If True, then drag-dropping an inventory item on itself will trigger its Examine interaction

◆ inventoryDropLookNoDrag

bool AC.SettingsManager.inventoryDropLookNoDrag = false

If True, then drag-dropping an inventory item on itself will trigger its Examine interaction

◆ inventoryInteractions

InventoryInteractions AC.SettingsManager.inventoryInteractions = InventoryInteractions.Single

How many interactions an inventory item can have (Single, Multiple)

◆ inventoryInteractionsHaltPlayer

bool AC.SettingsManager.inventoryInteractionsHaltPlayer = false

If True, then the player will stop pathfinding upon interacting with an inventory item

◆ inventoryPulseSpeed

float AC.SettingsManager.inventoryPulseSpeed = 1f

The speed at which to pulse the active inventory item's icon, if inventoryActiveEffect = InventoryActiveEffect.Pulse

◆ landscapeModeOnly

bool AC.SettingsManager.landscapeModeOnly = true

If True, then the game can only be played in landscape mode (iPhone only)

◆ limitDirectMovement

LimitDirectMovement AC.SettingsManager.limitDirectMovement = LimitDirectMovement.NoLimit

How to limit the player's moement, if directMovementType = DirectMovementType.RelativeToCamera

◆ linearColorTextures

bool AC.SettingsManager.linearColorTextures = false

If True, then textures created for crossfading and overlays will be saved in linear color space

◆ loadAmbienceFadeTime

float AC.SettingsManager.loadAmbienceFadeTime = 0f

The fade-in duration when resuming ambience audio after loading a save game

◆ loadingDelay

float AC.SettingsManager.loadingDelay = 0f

The delay, in seconds, before and after loading, if both useLoadingScreen = True and useAsyncLoading = True

◆ loadingScene

int AC.SettingsManager.loadingScene = 0

The number of the scene to act as a loading scene, if loadingScene = ChooseSceneBy.Number

◆ loadingSceneIs

ChooseSceneBy AC.SettingsManager.loadingSceneIs = ChooseSceneBy.Number

How the scene that acts as a loading scene is chosen (Number, Name)

◆ loadingSceneName

string AC.SettingsManager.loadingSceneName = ""

The name of the scene to act as a loading scene, if loadingScene = ChooseSceneBy.Name

◆ loadMusicFadeTime

float AC.SettingsManager.loadMusicFadeTime = 0f

The fade-in duration when resuming music audio after loading a save game

◆ loadScenesFromAddressable

bool AC.SettingsManager.loadScenesFromAddressable = false

If True, scenes will be loaded from Addressables, and names will be used for keys

◆ lockCursorOnStart

bool AC.SettingsManager.lockCursorOnStart = false

If True, then the cursor will be locked in the centre of the screen when the game begins

◆ magnitudeAffectsDirect

bool AC.SettingsManager.magnitudeAffectsDirect = false

If True, and movementMethod = AC_MovementMethod.Direct, then the magnitude of the input axis will affect the Player's speed

◆ manualSceneActivation

bool AC.SettingsManager.manualSceneActivation = false

If True, then scenes will not be automatically activated upon loading, and activation will be delayed until the SceneChanger script's ActivateLoadedScene function is called.

◆ maxAspectRatio

float AC.SettingsManager.maxAspectRatio = 2.39f

The maximum aspect ratio, as a decimal, to use if aspectRatioEnforcement = AspectRatioEnforcement.Range

◆ maxInventorySlots

int AC.SettingsManager.maxInventorySlots = 0

If >0, the maximum number of inventory slots the Player's inventory can hold

◆ maxSaves

int AC.SettingsManager.maxSaves = 5

The maximum number of save files that can be created

◆ moveableRaycastLength

float AC.SettingsManager.moveableRaycastLength = 30f

The length of rays cast to find moveable objects (see DragBase)

◆ movementMethod

MovementMethod AC.SettingsManager.movementMethod = MovementMethod.PointAndClick

How the player character is controlled (PointAndClick, Direct, FirstPerson, Drag, None, StraightToCursor)

◆ movingTurning

MovingTurning AC.SettingsManager.movingTurning = MovingTurning.Unity2D

The method of moving and turning in 2D games (Unity2D, TopDown, ScreenSpace, WorldSpace)

◆ musicAttentuationParameter

string AC.SettingsManager.musicAttentuationParameter = "musicVolume"

The name of the parameter in musicMixerGroup that controls attenuation

◆ musicMixerGroup

AudioMixerGroup AC.SettingsManager.musicMixerGroup = null

The AudioMixerGroup for music audio, if volumeControl = VolumeControl.AudioSources

◆ musicPrefabOverride

Music AC.SettingsManager.musicPrefabOverride = null

A prefab override for the Music object

◆ musicStorages

List<MusicStorage> AC.SettingsManager.musicStorages = new List<MusicStorage>()

A list of all AudioClips that can be played as music using the "Sound: Play music" Action

◆ navMeshLayer

string AC.SettingsManager.navMeshLayer = "NavMesh"

The layer to place active NavMeshes on

◆ navMeshRaycastLength

float AC.SettingsManager.navMeshRaycastLength = 100f

The length of rays cast to find NavMeshes

◆ navMeshSearchDirection

NavMeshSearchDirection AC.SettingsManager.navMeshSearchDirection = NavMeshSearchDirection.RadiallyOutwardsFromCursor

How the nearest NavMesh to a cursor click is found, in screen space, if the user doesn't click directly on one

◆ occludeIcons

bool AC.SettingsManager.occludeIcons = false

If True, then Hotspot icons will be hidden behind colldiers placed on hotspotLayer

◆ offsetTouchCursor

bool AC.SettingsManager.offsetTouchCursor = false

If True, then the cursor is not set to the touch point, but instead is moved by dragging (if inputMethod = AC_InputMethod.TouchScreen)

◆ onlyFaceHotspotOnSelect

bool AC.SettingsManager.onlyFaceHotspotOnSelect = false

If true, and playerFacesHotspots = True, and interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseHotspotThenInteraction, then players will only turn their heads once a Hotspot has been selected

◆ onlyInteractWhenCursorUnlocked

bool AC.SettingsManager.onlyInteractWhenCursorUnlocked = false

If True, then Hotspot interactions are only allowed if the cursor is unlocked (first person-games only)

◆ orderSavesByUpdateTime

bool AC.SettingsManager.orderSavesByUpdateTime = false

If True, then save files listed in MenuSaveList will be displayed in order of update time

◆ pathfindUpdateFrequency

float AC.SettingsManager.pathfindUpdateFrequency = 0f

If >0, the time (in seconds) between pathfinding recalculations occur

◆ placeDistantHotspotsOnSeparateLayer

bool AC.SettingsManager.placeDistantHotspotsOnSeparateLayer = true

If True, and hotspotDetection = HotspotDetection.PlayerVicinity, then distant Hotspots will be placed on a different layer

◆ playAmbienceWhilePaused

bool AC.SettingsManager.playAmbienceWhilePaused = false

If True, then ambience can play when the game is paused

◆ playerFacesHotspots

bool AC.SettingsManager.playerFacesHotspots = false

If True, then 3D player prefabs will turn their head towards the active Hotspot

◆ players

List<PlayerPrefab> AC.SettingsManager.players = new List<PlayerPrefab>()

All available player prefabs, if playerSwitching = PlayerSwitching.Allow

◆ playerSwitching

PlayerSwitching AC.SettingsManager.playerSwitching = PlayerSwitching.DoNotAllow

The state of player-switching (Allow, DoNotAllow)

◆ playMusicWhilePaused

bool AC.SettingsManager.playMusicWhilePaused = false

If True, then music can play when the game is paused

◆ printActionCommentsInConsole

bool AC.SettingsManager.printActionCommentsInConsole = false


◆ referenceScenesInSave

ChooseSceneBy AC.SettingsManager.referenceScenesInSave = ChooseSceneBy.Number

How to refer to scenes in save game files

◆ reloadSceneWhenLoading

bool AC.SettingsManager.reloadSceneWhenLoading = false

If True, then the scene will reload when loading a saved game that takes place in the same scene that the player is already in

◆ renderBorderCamera

bool AC.SettingsManager.renderBorderCamera = true

If True, a second camera is used to render borders due to enforced aspect ratio. This helps to prevent artefacts, but increases performance.

◆ restartAmbienceTrackWhenLoading

bool AC.SettingsManager.restartAmbienceTrackWhenLoading = false

If True, then the ambience track at the time of saving will be resumed from the start upon loading

◆ restartMusicTrackWhenLoading

bool AC.SettingsManager.restartMusicTrackWhenLoading = false

If True, then the music track at the time of saving will be resumed from the start upon loading

◆ reverseInventoryCombinations

bool AC.SettingsManager.reverseInventoryCombinations = false

If True, then invntory item combinations will also work in reverse

◆ rightClickInventory

RightClickInventory AC.SettingsManager.rightClickInventory = RightClickInventory.DeselectsItem

What happens when right-clicking while an inventory item is selected (ExaminesItem, DeselectsItem, DoesNothing)

◆ rotationsAffectedByVerticalReduction

bool AC.SettingsManager.rotationsAffectedByVerticalReduction = true

If True, then rotations of 2D characters will be affected by the verticalReductionFactor value

◆ runConversationsWithKeys

bool AC.SettingsManager.runConversationsWithKeys = false

If True, then Conversation dialogue options can be triggered with the number keys

◆ saveAssetReferencesWithAddressables

bool AC.SettingsManager.saveAssetReferencesWithAddressables = false

If True, then references to assets made in save game files will be based on their Addressable name, and not Resources folder presence

◆ saveCompression

bool AC.SettingsManager.saveCompression = false

If True, save data will be compressed for reduced file-size

◆ saveFileName

string AC.SettingsManager.saveFileName = ""

The name to give save game files

◆ saveLabels

SaveLabels AC.SettingsManager.saveLabels = new SaveLabels ()

A collection of save strings (Save, Import, Autosave) that can be translated

◆ savePlayerReferencesWithAddressables

bool AC.SettingsManager.savePlayerReferencesWithAddressables = false

If True, then references to Player prefabs will be handled using Addressables

◆ saveScreenshots

SaveScreenshots AC.SettingsManager.saveScreenshots = SaveScreenshots.Never

Determines when save-game screenshots are recorded

◆ saveTimeDisplay

SaveTimeDisplay AC.SettingsManager.saveTimeDisplay = SaveTimeDisplay.DateOnly

How the time of a save file should be displayed (None, DateOnly, TimeAndDate, CustomFormat)

◆ saveWithThreading

bool AC.SettingsManager.saveWithThreading = false

If True, then save operations will occur on a separate thread

◆ scaleCursorSpeedWithScreen

bool AC.SettingsManager.scaleCursorSpeedWithScreen = true

If True, and inputMethod = InputMethod.KeyboardOrController, then the speed of the cursor will be proportional to the size of the screen

◆ scaleHighlightWithMouseProximity

bool AC.SettingsManager.scaleHighlightWithMouseProximity = false

If True, then Hotspots will highlight according to how close the cursor is to them

◆ sceneAttributes

List<InvVar> AC.SettingsManager.sceneAttributes = new List<InvVar>()

The game's full list of inventory item properties

◆ screenshotRenderTexture

RenderTexture AC.SettingsManager.screenshotRenderTexture

An optional RenderTexture that, if assigned, will be used as the basis for save-game screenshots. If unassigned, the default full-screen screenshot will be taken

◆ screenshotResolutionFactor

float AC.SettingsManager.screenshotResolutionFactor = 1f

If takeSaveSreenshots = True, the size of save-game screenshots, relative to the game window's actual resolution

◆ seeInteractions

SeeInteractions AC.SettingsManager.seeInteractions = SeeInteractions.ClickOnHotspot

How Interaction menus are opened, if interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseHotspotThenInteraction (ClickOnHotspot, CursorOverHotspot, ViaScriptOnly)

◆ selectInteractions

SelectInteractions AC.SettingsManager.selectInteractions = SelectInteractions.ClickingMenu

How Interactions are triggered, if interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseHotspotThenInteraction (ClickingMenu, CyclingCursorAndClickingHotspot, CyclingMenuAndClickingHotspot)

◆ selectInventoryDisplay

SelectInventoryDisplay AC.SettingsManager.selectInventoryDisplay = SelectInventoryDisplay.NoChange

How the currently-selected inventory item should be displayed in InventoryBox elements

◆ selectInvWithIconID

int AC.SettingsManager.selectInvWithIconID = 0

The ID number of the CursorIcon interaction that selects the inventory item (in "use" mode) when unhandled, if selectInvWithUnhandled = True

◆ selectInvWithUnhandled

bool AC.SettingsManager.selectInvWithUnhandled = false

If True, and inventoryInteraction = InventoryInteractions.Multiple, then the item will be selected (in "use" mode) if a particular Interaction is unhandled

◆ selectLowestOverlappingHotspot

bool AC.SettingsManager.selectLowestOverlappingHotspot = false

If True, and hotspotDetection = HotspotDetection.MouseOver, and the scene is in 2D, then when Hotspots overlap, the one with the lowest position on the Y-axis will be selected

◆ sfxAttentuationParameter

string AC.SettingsManager.sfxAttentuationParameter = "sfxVolume"

The name of the parameter in sfxMixerGroup that controls attenuation

◆ sfxMixerGroup

AudioMixerGroup AC.SettingsManager.sfxMixerGroup = null

The AudioMixerGroup for SF audio, if volumeControl = VolumeControl.AudioSources

◆ shareInventory

bool AC.SettingsManager.shareInventory = false

If True, then all player prefabs will share the same inventory, if playerSwitching = PlayerSwitching.Allow

◆ showActiveActionLists

DebugWindowDisplays AC.SettingsManager.showActiveActionLists = DebugWindowDisplays.Never

Used to show all currently-running ActionLists will be listed in the corner of the screen

◆ showClickPrefabWithStraightToCursorHeld

bool AC.SettingsManager.showClickPrefabWithStraightToCursorHeld

If True, and movementMethod = MovementMethod.StraightToCursor, then the clickPrefab will be spawned for repeated pathfinds when the mouse button is held down

◆ showDebugLogs

ShowDebugLogs AC.SettingsManager.showDebugLogs = ShowDebugLogs.Always

Determines when logs are written to the Console (Always, OnlyInEditor, Never)

◆ showHoverInteractionInHotspotLabel

bool AC.SettingsManager.showHoverInteractionInHotspotLabel = false

If True, and interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseInteractionThenHotspot, then the Hotspot label will show the name of the interaction icon being hovered over

◆ simulatedCursorMoveSpeed

float AC.SettingsManager.simulatedCursorMoveSpeed = 4f

The movement speed of a keyboard or controller-controlled cursor

◆ singleTapStraight

bool AC.SettingsManager.singleTapStraight = false

If True, then single-clicking also moves the player, if movementMethod = AC_MovementMethod.StraightToCursor

◆ singleTapStraightPathfind

bool AC.SettingsManager.singleTapStraightPathfind = false

If True, then single-clicking will make the player pathfind, if singleTapStraight = True

◆ spawnPersistentEnginePrefab

bool AC.SettingsManager.spawnPersistentEnginePrefab = true

If True, the required PersistentEngine will be created by spawning the prefab from Resources, as opposed to generating it from scratch

◆ speechAttentuationParameter

string AC.SettingsManager.speechAttentuationParameter = "speechVolume"

The name of the parameter in speechMixerGroup that controls attenuation

◆ speechMixerGroup

AudioMixerGroup AC.SettingsManager.speechMixerGroup = null

The AudioMixerGroup for speech audio, if volumeControl = VolumeControl.AudioSources

◆ stopPlayerOnClickHotspot

bool AC.SettingsManager.stopPlayerOnClickHotspot = false

If True, then the player will stop when a Hotspot is clicked on, if interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseHotspotThenInteraction

◆ stopTurningWhenReleaseInput

bool AC.SettingsManager.stopTurningWhenReleaseInput = false

If True, and movementMethod = AC_MovementMethod.Direct, then the Player will cease turning when input is released

◆ surfaces

List<Surface> AC.SettingsManager.surfaces = new List<Surface> ()

A List of surfaces that characters can walk on

◆ touchScreenHotspotInput

TouchScreenHotspotInput AC.SettingsManager.touchScreenHotspotInput = TouchScreenHotspotInput.TouchTwice

The type of touch-screen input that registers as a Hotspot 'click'

◆ touchUpInteractScene

bool AC.SettingsManager.touchUpInteractScene = false

If True, then scne clicks are performed by releasing a touch, rather than beginning one

◆ touchUpWhenPaused

bool AC.SettingsManager.touchUpWhenPaused = false

If True, then menu clicks are performed by releasing a touch, rather than beginning one

◆ unityUIClicksAlwaysBlocks

bool AC.SettingsManager.unityUIClicksAlwaysBlocks = false

If True, then movement and interaction clicks will be ignored if the cursor is over a Unity UI element - even those not linked to the Menu Manager

◆ useAsyncLoading

bool AC.SettingsManager.useAsyncLoading = false

If True, scenes will be loaded asynchronously

◆ useFPCamDuringConversations

bool AC.SettingsManager.useFPCamDuringConversations = true

If True, then first-person games will use the first-person camera during conversations (overridden by allowGameplayDuringConversations)

◆ useInvariantCulture

bool AC.SettingsManager.useInvariantCulture = true

If True, then the main thread's culture will be set to InvariantCulture, which helps maintain save-game compatibility across different system lanaguages

◆ useLoadingScreen

bool AC.SettingsManager.useLoadingScreen = false

If True, then a specific scene will be loaded in-between scene transitions, to be used as a loading screen

◆ useProfiles

bool AC.SettingsManager.useProfiles = false

If True, then multiple save profiles - each with its own save files and options data - can be created

◆ verticalReductionFactor

float AC.SettingsManager.verticalReductionFactor = 0.7f

How much slower vertical movement is compared to horizontal movement, if the game is in 2D

◆ volumeControl

VolumeControl AC.SettingsManager.volumeControl = VolumeControl.AudioSources

How volume is controlled (AudioSources, AudioMixerGroups) (Unity 5 only)

◆ walkableClickRange

float AC.SettingsManager.walkableClickRange = 1f

How much of the screen will be searched for a suitable NavMesh, if the user doesn't click directly on one (it movementMethod = AC_MovementMethod.PointAndClick)

◆ walkToHotspotMarkers

bool AC.SettingsManager.walkToHotspotMarkers = true

If True, then walking to Hotspots without running a particular Interaction will cause the Player to walk to the Hotspot's 'Walk-to Marker'

◆ wantedAspectRatio

float AC.SettingsManager.wantedAspectRatio = 1.5f

The aspect ratio, as a decimal, to use if aspectRatioEnforcement = AspectRatioEnforcement.Fixed. If set to AspectRatioEnforcement.Range, this will be the minimum

◆ whenReselectHotspot

WhenReselectHotspot AC.SettingsManager.whenReselectHotspot = WhenReselectHotspot.RestoreHotspotIcon

What happens to the cursor icon when a hotspot (or inventory item, depending) is reselected and selectInteractions = SelectInteractions.CyclingMenuAndClickingHotspot

Property Documentation

◆ AspectRatio

float? AC.SettingsManager.AspectRatio

The desired aspect ratio, if forced. If not forced, -1 will be returned

◆ AutoDisableUnhandledHotspots

bool AC.SettingsManager.AutoDisableUnhandledHotspots

If True, Hotspots that have no interaction associated with a given inventory item will not be active while that item is selected

◆ InventoryDragDrop

bool AC.SettingsManager.InventoryDragDrop

If True, then inventory items can be drag-dropped (i.e. used on Hotspots and other items with a single mouse button press

◆ RightClickInventory

RightClickInventory AC.SettingsManager.RightClickInventory

What happens when right-clicking while an inventory item is selected (ExaminesItem, DeselectsItem, DoesNothing).

◆ SavePrefix

string AC.SettingsManager.SavePrefix

The prefix of the project's save-game filenames, before the save / profile ID

◆ SeeInteractions

SeeInteractions AC.SettingsManager.SeeInteractions

How Interaction menus are opened, if interactionMethod = AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseHotspotThenInteraction (ClickOnHotspot, CursorOverHotspot)