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Saved scene data used when loading scene

I am creating a game using your asset, and I need help. I know you can make things state saved by adding the "- Remember" script. I really like this feature and I was just wondering if there is a way, how could I do that this save parameters would not just appear when loading saved scene, but also when I enter the scene from another scene, or I have to code this myself.

Example: I have an object in the scene, that is disabled using some action. When I save the scene and load later the object is still disabled when a Remember Visibility script is attached to it. But when I just walk to another scene and then return, the object is enabled.

Thank you for your response!
Wolf Flare


  • edited December 2019

    Remember scripts save the state of objects both when saving the game, and leaving the scene.

    This data is returned both when loading a save game file, and also when re-entering the scene.

    The Remember Visibility component records a Renderer's "enabled" state - not the enabled state of the GameObject itself. Remember scripts do not work if the GameObject it's attached to is disabled, so it's typically better to avoid doing this.

    If you are looking to hide an object, use the Object: Visibility Action to make it invisible, or the Object: Transform Action to move it out of the camera's view. In order to save an object's position, attach instead the Remember Transform component.

  • Thank you really much!

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